Chapter 59

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A/N: So we're almost at the end of the story. Imma write a long ass acknowledgment at the end though!


Karen's POV

Walking along the streets has only made me realize how long it has been since I saw this place. My home. My school. My parents. I'll probably never get to enjoy any of that the way I used to again. Kevin and Iris walk hand in hand in front of me and Caspian while I explain everything around us to a very confused Caspian. The love birds are clearly happy to be back.

"And that's the café where we hung out!" I say pointing to a closed Coffilicious café. I miss the hot chocolate from there.

Caspian gives me a tight smile.

"You didn't ask me anything..." he says.

"Ask you what?"

"About me being cursed. Don't you wanna know?" he asks. I did want to know. But the last thing I wanted to do was hurt Caspian. I saw how pained he looked when Darius mentioned it.

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings," I admit but to my surprise, he laces his hand in mine and grips it tightly.

"There's no point in you not knowing it, amare!" he tells. "I've told it to Iris and I think Kevin knows it too. Ummm...I'm born on a cursed day and hence...I'm cursed."

"" I ask, confused.

He sighs. "Usually, anyone born on that day dies but...I didn't. Instead, the people around me did."

The people around him?

"Like my sister, mother, and grandmother."

"I'm so sorry...." I say, feeling awful for Caspian. That must be the reason he was always so....quiet.

"Let me guess, aren't you thinking about my tragic past being the reason that I don't talk much?" he smiles and I nod. "Well, don't turn the tiers in that little head of yours for that silly reason, your majesty. You have way more important things to do."

"You are important," I state.

"Not as much as the Borat."

"What if you are? To me?" I ask.

Caspian's voice halts, he looks into nothing for a moment and sighs before speaking again. "How will I be, Katarina?"

"You have become over time, Caspian," I reply. "Oh, and one more thing, don't ever stop calling me amare. I don't know why, but you just stopped doing that when I was with...Darius, but... I love it when you do that!" I admit, but to my annoyance, heat rushes to my cheek.

What sort of a bitch am I? The guy who was my boyfriend just died a few hours ago and why the hell am I not feeling the sadness that I am supposed to? Why am I not mourning him? Instead, I am here trying to clear my feelings about another man. More specifically, his brother.

Maybe it is because things have always been strong between me and Caspian. Whether it is fights or awkwardness, or even him being rude to me, everything has played with my emotions as nothing else has. 

What if it was Caspian in Darius' place? What if I got together with Caspian first? Would things have been the same?

"Do you know what amare means?" he asks.

"I remember Iris telling it was about something, but...I forgot! My dumb mind always forgets stuff." I giggle.

"Amare means love, Katarina. And you are not dumb!"

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