Ch. 2-Let Me Introduce Myself

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Kya POV:

As I walked out of the building it felt amazing after being trapped in the hot studio. I unzip my jacket and let my body breathe. On my walk home I see a café, being confused because I walk this block every week and I haven't seen it before.

Just as I'm walking inside my phone rings. I look down seeing my mother's name flashing against my screen and I quickly put it to my ear while I wait behind the guy getting his order taken.

"Hola madre, "I say to my mother as I look through my purse for my wallet.

"Hija mía, ¿cómo has estado? No, he sabido nada de ti." I hear shuffling for her side knowing she's probably cooking. (My daughter how have you been I haven't heard from you)

" Lo siento mamá, acabo de salir de clase y estoy agarrando comida antes de regresar a casa." Finally, finding my wallet I put it under my arm before noticing its my turn to order. I look u notice the boy at the counter is patiently waiting for me. (I'm sorry mom, I just got out of class and I'm grabbing food before I go home.)

"Tengo que ir mamá, este chico me está esperando, te amo." (I have to go, mama, this guy is waiting on me, I love you)

"Ok mantente segura amor y asegúrate de llamar." I hang up the phone and put it in my bag, Then my phone slips from under my arm falling on the floor, causing my cards and cash to scatter across the floor. (Okay stay safe love and make sure you call.)

I look up at the guy at the counter before apologizing and leaning down to pick it all up. As I am gathering it together I see a set of shoes before the person crouches down to help me. I look up to see the guy from behind the counter and I smile up at him.

His dark hair falls in front of his eyes as they meet mine, and we slowly stand. He quickly scurries back behind the counter before asking what I would like.

I say a sandwich and smoothie before moving two the side in case anyone else wanted to older. I watch him as he moves around making my order. Every so often his eyes would meet mine then his eyes would quickly scurry down to the floor making my smile.

I guess while I'm waiting for my food I should introduce myself I'm Kya Gomez. I'm twenty-four and I'm a very adventurous person, I like to live life. You only get one so why waste it. I don't have any siblings it's just me and my momma.

My old man left my momma when I was younger. My mother is a full-blown Mexican and if it was her choice I would only speak Spanish. But I'm mixed, a wonderful, curvy African American and Mexican.

I think I get my craziness from my mother. She loves doing new things and doesn't let anything or anyone stop her from doing what she wants.

My mom moved to California a little after she had me. Because living in New Mexico there was just too many reminders of my father.

But I'm happy with it just being me and her. That's how it's always been.

I come out of my thoughts when my food and smoothie is placed in front of me. I smile at the guy before looking down to read his name tag "Jungkook". I glance up at him before sipping my smoothie.

"Mhm, that's one hell of a smoothie, Thanks Jungkook." I wink at him and watch him blush before I curl my finger at him telling him to come here. He leans in and I grab the pen from his apron and take a napkin from the table. I write my name and number before putting the pen back in his apron pocket.

"Text me when you're free." I smile before thanking him against and grabbing my things and heading out of the door.

Jungkook POV:

I had no words. I felt like I couldn't breathe as she walked away. Everything about her was captivating. Her caramel skin was glowing and the way her lips wrapped around her straw drove me crazy.

Never in my life have a felt so captivated in such a small amount of time. I wanted to go in the back and text her right then. But I knew when I got home I wasn't going to waste a second.

When I could no longer see her I quickly tried to control my emotions and get back to work, hoping to get the curly, curvy beauty out of my head.




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