Ch. 24-Two Peas In A Pod

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Hoseok POV:

If it was possible her moans were shaking the whole house. I wasn't sure where everyone was but Yoongi and I were both in the living room, hearing every noise they made upstairs. My hard-on was trying harder and harder to spring out of my jeans.

We had all talked earlier, Jin explained how he planned on  Kya sleeping in his room. And we all decided since Jin was the only one, except Yoongi who was willing to wait to touch her and the rest of us didn't that he should be her first out of all of us.

We didn't want to assume that she wanted to be us, but we all wanted her. None of my brothers were very subtle about the fact that we had feelings for her. Or maybe it's just that we notice these things about each other.

But I see the ways my brothers look at her. It's some of the looks I see men give her when she helps to teach my dance class.

I remember the feeling that would go through me as I watch the way other men looked at her. It made me want to kiss her right there.

For four years I've had to watch the looks she's gotten from men and listening to her explain how dating wasn't something she saw herself doing.

I never had the same anger build in me when she receives those looks from my brothers.

Do you know how difficult is to watch the woman of your dreams for four years? 

Its pure agony, but if I had to wait four years to got to love her for the rest of my life then so be it.

Looking over at Yoongi I could tell he was frustrated. He had explained to us why Kya wasn't exactly happy to see him when they met.

And I understood why she was so hurt. Because in the four years I've know Kya she never got that excited over dates. Putting it easier, she liked to call them one and done. She was a free spirit and I've known that since the day I met her. 

I didn't know what it was but something had messed her up, I would find out eventually but I didn't want to pry just yet.

So I know it really hurt Kya when Yoongi canceled and lied to her. We were all angry with him but he is our brother. And he knows very well that he has to make it up to her.

I watch his hands clench tight on his thighs and his dick press harder against his jeans, causing me to smirk.

"You okay over there brother?" His head snaps to me with a scowl on his face.

"Oh yeah laugh it up, I'm the only one in this house that hasn't touched her, and heating her screams is driving me crazy." He growled out and I was pretty sure I could see steam coming out of his ears.

"Well don't get too mad, I'm sure you'll make it up to her soon and besides, I'm pretty sure only Namjoon and Jin have had her scream like that."

And just as I finish my sentence her moan travels through the house making me have to take a minute and control myself.

Maybe we shouldn't have told him to leave the door cracked because this was pure toucher and I knew I was going to have to jerk one out later.

Yoongi let out a groan before getting up and heading in the direction of his studio.

I knew everything was messing with more than he was telling us. But there was nothing we could do, he had dug his own grave and we could only hope he made it right.

I decided to take a shower and get out of this stress before turning out the lights and heading to bed.

Kya's POV:

I woke up feeling cold and remembering I was laying with Jin I go to move closer to him only to find the bed empty. I open my eyes to see the room is empty.

It causes me to slightly pout until I hear his bathroom door open. Jin walks out with a towel having lowly around his waist and is drying his face with another one.

I use the time to look over his body and I feel myself getting wet. I clench my thighs and let my eyes glide down to his v-line and I grip the sheets. He then pulls the towel from his face and looks over at me. 

His eyes drift down my body before he grins at me. I then realize that I did, in fact, sleep naked. I grab the sheet before pulling it over my body and a deep blush settles its self on my cheeks.

"Don't get shy on me now kitten, I've seen far too much of you for you to get all shy on me." He threw the towel into his laundry basket.

I feel my mind slightly slipping into my headspace and I need to get out of here before he notices.

I see the shirt he had on last night and quickly throw it on, I have to hold the sides together so he couldn't see my body.

"I-I should probably head to my room and take a shower." I stand up holding the shirt together but keeping my glaze on the floor.

"Why are you running away from me, kitten?" He walks up in front of me. Bringing is finger under my chin and lifting it slowly.

I bite my lip, I could feel myself becoming shyer at the pet name. Those always did it for me. They made slipping into my headspace easier. But I didn't want him to seem me like that to think I'm a freak.

I shake my head not wanting to answer and fearing what may come out of my mouth.

"Baby, come on, talk to me." His hand cups my cheek and I bite my lip harder.

"D-Da... I-I can't" I pull his shirt tighter around me before running out of the door and down the stairs, not paying attention to anyone I pass as I run to my room and close the door behind me.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I feel like its getting hard to breathe and I grip my head.

I can't believe I just did that oh my gods.

Jimin POV:

"Was that Kya?" I ask Jin as he comes down the stairs in just a pair of shorts.

"Yeah, I uhh did you see where she went?" I look around the room trying to find her.

"What happened...?" I asked him.

" I don't know oh second she was just blushing like crazy and the next... I know what I think she called me but I'm not sure." He rakes his fingers through his hair and grips it roughly.

I could really tell Hyung was concerned, He never really let them control him so I could tell he was really worried about her.

"What do you think she called you?"

"I think she called me daddy." My eyes widen. And this confirmed my thoughts, Kya had a headspace. I didn't know how far into her headspace she has gone but I knew she had one. She was showing signs.

And I know my brothers could notice it as I could. I've always had a headspace, it made life a whole lot easier when stress became too much.

"Hyung Ill go talk to her and Ill sent her to you after okay?" He slowed his breathing before nodding his head and going into the living room, putting his face in his hands.

I let out a huff before looking back at him one last time before heading down the hallways in the direction of Kya's room.



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