Ch.91 - Pop Ups

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Kya POV:

After the funeral my uncle had planned to have snacks and drink for everyone, saying my mother would upset if everyone was standing in the sun all for her after not being fed.

I agreed, but also planned to keep to myself. I was getting sick of the sad looks and condolences. It just reminded me she is gone and I won't see her for a very long time.

While everyone was eating, I went out back and sat near the pool, closing the screen door behind me so no one would follow.

It hurt too much to look at those walls, the pictures, it all just reminds me of her.

I remember when me and my mom sat here during the fourth, pulling my necklace between my fingers I feel tears come to my eyes when I remember what she said about grandkids.

Feeling my heart clench at the knowing that she would miss out on so many things. Everything she won't get the chance to see.

Hearing the back door open I wipe my face not turning in the direction of whoever was walking in my direction.

They don't say anything as they sit at the end of the lawn chair, raising my head I find it to be Jin.

"Your uncles in their telling stories about you when you were younger, I looked for you to see if you were going to stop him but I couldn't find you." He says.

I don't say anything back, the last thing I wanted to do was go over old memorize right now.

"Did you eat yet?" He questioned and I slowly shake my head.

"That's been your answer for the past few days and I know everything sucks right now, but you have to eat." He says and I can hear the pleading in his voice and I knew it wasn't fair to them. I nod my head, and he gives me a light smile before holding his hand out to help me up.

I slowly slip my hand in his before we walk towards the house.

Jin makes my place for me and even manages to make me smiles.

"I've missed seeing you smile." He said before kissing my cheek and pulling me towards the living room.

We sit on the couch beside Taehyung he gives me a light smile before continuing to eat.

I managed to eat a couple of chips but didn't have the will power to eat more.

"You are not welcome here!" I hear someone say, looking and trying to find where the noise came from I see many heads turned towards the door and my eyes soon follow.

I see my uncles tense stands and I feel I can feel the anger radiating off him.

Handing Jin my plate before standing and moving towards my uncle. When I come closer I see the same creepy guy from the funeral. Once his eyes land on mine his widen in surprise which only increased my confusion.

"Is that her?" He asks and my uncle spins around looking at me in surprise before sorrow filled his eyes and then anger before he spins around punching him in the jaw.

They both fall to the floor throwing a fist, everyone yelling at them to break it up, but they don't stop.

After a couple of seconds the guys come and pull them off each other.

"You leave here right now! You are not welcome in this house or near Kya!" My uncle angrily yells at the man. He stumbles before wiping the blood from his lip.

I move towards my uncle wanting him to calm down, the last thing we needed was catching attention for the neighbors or someone might call the cops.

"She's my daughter I have every right to see her if I want to." He yelled back and my body froze.

He looked familiar, I can remember from a picture I had found and as I turn to look at the man he looks exactly like the man in the picture only older.

Many might want to run into their fathers arms, wanting them to make up for lost time.

But all I could think of was how he left us and then as soon as she's gone he pops out of thin air claiming to want some sort of connection with me.

I move towards him and I don't know what came over me, a smile spread across the man's face, and he opened his arms expecting a hug when instead I bring my right fist forwards striking him in the jaw.

"You asshole!" I scream down at him. Heat radiating through my body as I clench my feet, seconds later tears start to cloud my vision.

I refused to let him see me cry as I fell someone tries to stop me as I move my arm out of their reach and continue walking into the house and to my room.

When I came out of the room, everyone was gone, the guys and my uncle were all sitting on the couch and stood as I walk in.

They had already cleaned up everything from earlier and said there was nothing left to do.

My uncle apologized, telling me he saw my father at the funeral but had told him that he wasn't welcome over here. I assured him that I didn't blame him and that I probably shouldn't have punched him. But he said I was just like my mother so it didn't surprise him.

I told him that I wanted to go get boxes tomorrow, so we could start packing up the house, he asked me if I was sure I was ready for that and I told him waiting any longer would just make it hurt more.

The boys wanted me to come down and watch a movie with them but I just wanted to sleep, Jungkook decided to join me and so did Tae and Jimin.

After changing into a big t-shirt and climbing into bed. Tae and Jimin cuddle up beside me and Jungkook crawled between my legs.

Tae and Jungkook fell asleep pretty quickly but Jimin stayed awake stroking my knuckles.

"Does it hurt?" He questioned.

"It did in the beginning, but did a little after. It's fine now." I said as I pull his hand to mine and kiss that back of his hand.

"I'm sorry you guys had to seem me like that, I don't know what came over me." I said laying my head on his chest.

"You don't have to apologize, Jin had to stop Namjoon from doing the same thing. I can't say I wouldn't do the same." He says and lightly chuckles causing me to the same.

"Now go to sleep mister, it's bedtime." I say as I hold my hand over his eyes.

He chuckles and kisses my lips before pulling me and Tae closer to him as we fall into a peaceful sleep, ready for what the next few days would bring.




-dad said the mother pushed him away, daughter forives him but he still does her wrong.

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