Ch.93 - Dinner Time

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Kya POV:

During dinner, I told the boys I invited him to dinner they weren't too happy when I told them but after telling them I had more questions I wanted to ask him and that I would make dessert they finally agreed.

After my uncle told me he wasn't sure he could be here. I told him I understood but if he changed his mine it would mean a lot to me and there would be more than enough food for him.

When I fell asleep that night I couldn't really sleep, my dreams constantly coming in flashes.

The one that swirled through my mind  was me sitting on the couch just watching TV. My mom and dad walk though the door and just as they come towards me ready to speak, a dark figure moves from the shadows quickly gripping their ankles.

I scream for them, but they don't come back, soon the room falls dark and I can't see anything. I'm screaming but no one is listening. As I fall to my knees feeling my heart drop I see them and take off in their direction only to sink into the floor.

I'm ripped from my sleep as I launch up from the bed, it became hard to fall asleep after that. I stayed awake for an hour, trying my best not to wake up any of the guys. After falling asleep for a few hours I woke up around six.

Not being able to stop all my thoughts from swirling around. I stay quiet for most of the days, as I made breakfast I didn't speak only giving simple nods or small answers.

I couldn't help the bad feeling in my stomach, something just seemed off about him and I couldn't put my finger on it and that's what messed with me the most.

After we went out and got a few move boxes because all that was left was pictures. Once we got back we started and I honestly didn't expect it to take as long as it did.

But as I held each picture I couldn't help but think about each one of them. I found one where my mother let me do her make up at one of my birthday parties. I was five so it was all over her face, but she still smiled and held me pressed against her face in the picture.

Another was when my mother and uncle were kids, my grandma made them Halloween costumes because they were having a contest in the neighborhood. My mother was wearing a chefs hat and an apron while my uncles was dressed as a taco.

My uncle attempting to get my mother to hold him like an actual taco. It made me chuckle but I could feel  the tear rolling down my cheek. Quickly packing it up I bit my lip before finishing up.

The boys could tell my mood had shifted and put on Haikyuu. The boys had introduced it to me a while ago. And they always know I get into a different mood when I watch anime. I usually make comments or cheer people on. At first the boys used to laugh giving me cheesy grins. Now I see them smirk and smile, I'm pretty sure at this point they can tell that I'm about to say something.

My uncle left saying he had a few errands to take care of but promised me he would be back in time for dinner.

It meant a lot to me that even though he couldn't stand being in the same room as my father, he was still willing to push through it to be there for me.

Even when I was growing up, my uncle always fulfilled the father role in my life, and no matter what that would not change. He helped me out a lot of growing up and I can say thanks to him I'm tougher than a normal girl.

And even though my mom's not here I'm happy that I at least have family left and maybe my father would get to be a part of it.

After we all finished packing we sat in the living room watching Haikyuu to pass the time and once I had realized it was becoming late and I need to start cooking I shoot of the couch and into the kitchen.

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