Ch. 44-Before

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Sorry for the late update <33 publishing two chapters!!!

Taehyung POV:

"So what all do we have to get, all these numbers are making it look like you are tricking me into doing math." I scratch my head looking at the recipe Hyung printed out. 

"We don't have to do all the math we just have to get the stuff, Kya's gonna measure it I think." He pushes the cart as we make our way around the store.

We ended having to call Kya because we got confused, she asked us to make sure we got enough for everyone that way coming, she wasn't sure how many people would be there but she said a lot.

She gave us a quick measurement test so that we would get to such stuff we didn't need a lot of. We quickly got ahold of it as we shopped we told her we love her and she laughed before repeating it back as we hung up the phone.

As we were checking out I hear this squeak voice and I jump to cover my ears.

"Ehhhh! Jungkook is that you!"

I look back to see a small girl with this blondish-reddish hair girl bouncing on her toes.

Her skirt was crazy short and she had on a weird-looking crop top. Her cart was right behind ours as she quickly moved around it and wrapped her arms around him.

I raised my eyebrows, I didn't remember Kook talking about any girls.

I hand the lady my card not wanting to be noise.

"Oh hey, Kimmy..."   l look over to see Jungkook moving away from her.

"What are you guys doing? Do you wanna hang out?" I had to rub my ears, her voice was really screech, and I was ready to go.

The lady handed me my receipt. The grocery cart once again filled with the groceries I look back to Kook to see him scratching the back of his head.

I shake my head, knowing he needed saving as I come over and grab his hand. 

"We actually have plans with our girlfriend to make some desserts, but thank you for the offer." I give her a tight smile before turning and pulling Kook along.

I wasn't happy with how that girl just that she could touch Kookie like that and I know Noona wouldn't like it either.

"Thank you, Tae." I nod my head not turning to look at him as we load the car with the groceries.

He takes the car back up to the store before coming back and slipping into the passenger seat. I put the car in reverse before placing my arm behind his seat and watching the car through the back window.

He leans up and kisses my cheek, causing me to smile.

"Fine you are forgiven, but you know noona won't like it."

He groans and pulls his hair in from of his eyes.

"She makes my ears hurt." He rubs his ears and I look over at him before be both crack up laughing and head home.


Kya POV: 

I got off work early and Jimin texted me he need help in his class, I was excited and quickly jump at the opportunity. I let Namjoon know I wouldn't need the ride home as I exit the building.

I walk down to the building before climbing the steps and walking inside.

I head towards the direst I usually go in and find him in the room next room, people are sitting around drink water, and probably waiting for everything to start.

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