Ch. 19-Fixing Things

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Kya POV:

I woke up to hearing voices. When I open my eyes the sun is coming through the curtains. As my eyes scan the room I don't see anyone. I shrug before getting up. I really needed a shower but I didn't have any clothes.

I grabbed my phone to see no new messages. I stand up and head out of the door. As I walk down the wall the voices become louder. I enter the living room only for someone to come up behind me and sweep me off my feet.

I squeal before wrapping my arms around them and looking at there face.

"And to think, I thought the first time I would make you scream would be in the bedroom," Hobi smirks at me before bringing me into the living room and laying me on the couch.

"You ass hat you scared the hell out of me!" I hit his shoulder and glared at him. He kissed my cheek surprising me before winking and walking into the kitchen.

I blush before siting up. Jimin and Jungkook are also sitting there. They were having a small conversation that ended when I turned to face them.

I smiled "So would one of you do me a favor." I smile at them innocently.

"Anything for you," Jimin said while he grinned at me

"I need to go to my house and get some clothes and I need a ride."

"Sure, Jungkook has to go get his paycheck too."

"Great, Just let me know when you guys are ready to go." I smile at Jimin, trying to voice Jungkook's gaze as I get up and head into the kitchen to find something to eat.

Jungkook's POV:

"Oh, she hates me." I put my head in my hands and rub my face.

"No, she doesn't Kookie she's just confused. You just have to explain it to her and you will have the perfect chance in the car." Jimin pats my back trying to give me reassurance.

I felt like crap and I couldn't sleep last night. I wish I would have been able to get all the words out. But she makes me flustered and my words become jumbled in my brain.

I don't want her to be mad at me. I've barely known the woman and I already feel like I would stop the earth on its axis if she wanted me too.

The look on her face after I explained why the girl messaged me made my heart stop. I knew the words came out the wrong way and I knew how she took it. She had done the same thing, she flirted with me and gave me her number.

But they weren't the same. Kimmy started working at the coffee shop a couple of days ago because her uncle owned the cafe. I had to show her everything to do. But she kept trying to touch me and she had a really screechy giggle.

When she gave me her number I didn't text her back at first, but then the next day at work she asked why I didn't text back and I made up some excuse. So I messaged her a simple hi yesterday just to be nice but them Kya saw her reply.

I didn't want to be near Kimmy at work, so why would I ever want to spend time with her outside of it. I just hoped I could explain it to Kya in the right words.

The way she avoided my gaze almost made me cry. I know I may be a big baby but I didn't care. I wanted to let me know what she was feeling. And I wanted to make it right.

"I hope so." I give him a tight smile before going up to my room to grab my jacket.

I grab my phone, I still hadn't responded to Kimmy because I didn't know how to say no without coming off as a jerk. I sat on the edge of the bed for a couple of minutes before I figured out the perfect thing to say.

Me: I actually can't my girlfriend and I are doing on a date. And I know she wouldn't appreciate me spending time with another girl alone.

I smile before pressing sent, not wanting to overthink it. I know it may hurt her feelings but I didn't want to hurt Kya. I wanted her to be an important part of my life and that can't happen if I hurt her.

I grab my jacket and slide my phone into my pocket before heading downstairs.

When I come up to the bottom of the stairs I saw Jimin and Kya standing near the door. She now had on what I assumed was mine or Jimins sweats, I didn't mind either way. Our eyes finally meet and I send her a small smile.

She returns it and lightly smirks at me before winking. I blush looking down, feeling my self shudder. I don't know what it is but when she looks at me a weird feeling just shoots through my body.

I can't explain it but it feels amazing.

"Alright let's go, let's go!" Jimin says clapping his hands and opening the doors.

When we get outside I run already to open the passenger door for Kya, I pull the handle and smile at her.

She walks up to me and cups my jaw before kissing my cheek. As she slowly slips in the car I closed the door before sliding into the back.

"So Kya have you decided if your gonna stay with us for a couple of days or go home?" Jimin asked as he starts up the car.

"I'm definitely considering it, I just don't want to be a burden." She says while buckling her seat belt.

"Your never a burden," I say making her look back to me.

She reached back for my hand before interlocking our fingers together. I squeeze her hand and rub her hand with my thumb.

"Thank you Kookie." She smiles at me before turning back around, but not letting go of my hand the entire ride to her house.


How cute :))


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