Ch. 45-Shower Time

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Kya POV:

I'm pretty sure they climbed the stairs, two at a time before I feel someone pick me up and carry me to Namjoon's room.

I look up to see that I'm in Hobi's arms, as we enter the room he sets me on the bed as everyone else goes into the bathroom, I'm assuming to start the show.

He pulls the clip out of my hair before gripping the bottom of my shirt. I raise my hands when he goes to pull it over my head.

He kneels down and pulls the waistband of my shorts down, he places small kisses on the thighs he pulls them off me. I feel myself clenching my legs before he looks up and his eyes meet mine.

"Yoongi and I got a gift for your kitten." My smile widens as I start to squirm. Not many people get me things but when they do it makes me happy because they took the time to think of me.

"And you get to decide if you wear it tonight or when we get back from your moms." I bite my lip and play with my hands in my lap, I loved the idea of them letting me wear whatever it was tonight, then it would make them happy and it wouldn't keep me on the edge of my seat the entire time I'm at my mama's.

I keep biting my lip as I think it over and I turn my head to see Hobi watching me and I blush.

"Having some trouble picking my princess?" I blush more and nod as he pulls my hands into his.

"Well how about why the boys get the shower ready I show it to you and then you decide?" I nod my head quickly, I can honestly say that I hate making decisions and the fact that he can tell makes things a lot easier.

He intertwines our fingers before pulling me out of the room and towards his. We enter and I just look around the room while.

His room was neat and very creative which I loved, He had a hammock in the corner and wall covered in albums with a giant seventh color of the forest in the middle.

I could feel him come up behind me but he didn't speak.

"What do the seven mean?" He places one of his hands on my waist before answering.

"It's my lucky number, it's been the same since I was a kid and I just got lucky enough to get six brothers and it makes me the seventh." I giggle and lean into him as I look over the album covers before smiling and turning back to face him.

He holds a smirk on his face making me raise an eyebrow. I look down at his hands to see him holding the cutest pair of cat ears, they were fluffy and pink, making it a little difficult to keep my headspace at bay.

The fuzz seemed to continue past the ears and onto what looked to be a tail causing me to bite my lip.

I had seen them before and even considered buying one, but what's the point if you don't have anyone to wear then for.

I could feel the excitement in me growing as I let our eyes meet again. I could see the lust in his eyes that he was trying to hide. I can't say the idea of wearing this for them didn't make my inside stir, but I remembered that we still need to make the churros and get to bed at the right time.

"I know right now might not be the best time with everything going on, but Yoongi and I went by the shop the other day and we saw it and couldn't stop thinking you." He pushes a piece of hair behind my ears and lifts my jaw so that our eyes meet.

I couldn't stop the redness from growing more and more on my face. Why did they do this to me, I felt so small they made me question everything and it drove my body mad.

I've only ever felt something onesided, I've loved someone with all my being only for them to treat me like a toy.

But they made me feel like the most precious diamond anyone could ever know. And no matter what they haven't given me an excuse to question it.

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