Ch.98 -Big Reveal

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Kya POV:

"Kya you have to sleep!" Namjoon groans and I roll my eyes, mumbling under my breath as I eat another hot Cheetos.

It was the night before we find out the gender of the babies, and they all think that somehow me going to be early will make the next day start quicker.

"It's nine o'clock and I'm not tired." I tightly smile at him before dipping the Cheetos in the sour cream container.

My craving had become crazy, just earlier this morning the boys went to the store and when I say the yogurt and Cheetos puffs everything in my mind was saying to try it.

It was delicious but the looks the boys were giving me I couldn't stop myself from laughing, but they knew not to say anything about my weird cravings.

Jungkook made the mistake of making a comment when I was eating some chocolate and peanut butter, but he didn't know that when he made the comment. Which lead to me chasing him around the house, but him being fitter than I am, his brothers had to get him for me, so I could force him to eat some.

The grin on his face after he stopped struggling and tasted it was hilarious.

Namjoon glares at me, his face growing red before he starts to move towards me.

"Ohhh Kya you might want to listen to Joon before he makes your lower cheeks as red as the ones on his face." Yoongi says before smirking and opening his mouth for me to put a hot Cheetos in.

I lightly glare at him before sliding it past his lips before turning to Joon.

"Please Oppa I don't want to go to bed yet." I pout, hearing Yoongi chuckle beside me before kissing my neck, whispering well done before looking up at his brother.

I could see himself starting to harden before he squeezed his eyes shut and let's out a deep breath.

"Love, you've been up since six, all three of you need sleep for tomorrow." He huffs out. As much as I knew he was right I didn't feel sleepy. I figured after figuring out the genders the boys would drag me shopping to pick out different thing and I would need my energy. Namjoon just got off work and I know he probably wanted to sleep.

I growl, moving to stand up causing all the boys to do the same.

"You know if I'm supposed to sleep that means no whispering to the babies in a volume you don't think I can here." I raise my eyebrows at them and laugh.

They groan causing me to laugh as I head downstairs. Taehyung quickly appearing at my side to help me.

"You know soon you can't go up and down the stairs. Hyung's are already scared you might fall and so am I." He said looking down watching my feet to make sure I don't trip as I grip the railing.

I knew there were worried, heck so was I, so I knew there was no point in fighting them on issues. Besides there were going to be some overprotective daddy's and I will need to pray for my babies.

"You boys with be the death of me." I say causing him to chuckle.


"I hate hospitals." I huff out, smelling the chemicals as the cold temperatures make me shiver.

"How long is this going to take,  it's like each step takes an hour." Yoongi huffs out as he groans, laying his head in my lap.

"You know if you guys are sleepy you can just head home." They all look at me like I'm crazy before glaring at me causing me to laugh.

"There is no way we are missing this, and it would have been easier to sleep if someone's hormones weren't going crazy." Jin says, raising his eyes brow at me s he grins causing me to blush.

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