Ch.94 - The Truth

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Sorry for the late update, have been working on how to end the story and I plan to upload the rest of it by the end of the day after editing, if that is something you want, make sure to vote, so I can make sure to upload it for you guys!

Anyway enjoy the story!!

To My One & Only Baby Girl

A huge part of you is upset right now and only the gods could understand how badly I want to be there to comfort you. But sadly that is the reason we are in the predicament. I also know another part of you blames me. You feel as though I never said goodbye.

You may not know it now but if I had said the goodbye in person that would have hurt you far worse. So I chose to write you a letter, because that's better than something you can come back to and read on those days you wish I was there.

I'm so sorry I didn't let you know how bad things were. I was diagnosed with stage four a few months back, but I knew if I told you that it would rush the light left in my baby girl. And seeing how happy and carefree you are when you are with those you love, I would never want to take that away from you.

My absence will hurt. I know thinking about not getting to hear your silly questions or the outrages things you think on a daily basic is going to be awful but I know one day I will see you again, though better not be for a long time.

You take care of those boys and your uncle for me. He won't show it but my leaving hurts him almost if not more than you, you two need to stick together and make sure he eats some vegetables, won't you? I convinced him to start but who knows how long that will stick.

And I want some beautiful grand babies!!!! I want to be able to watch them all run around, get in fights, fall in love, and start families of their own. Don't think just because I'm not there means I won't be watching, I'm always here for you my love, not matter where you are.

Speaking of my future adorable, beautiful, and gorgeous grand babies, I had set money back for when you decided to grow your own family. I do say something about the money. I know your father was not a part of your life, but he wasn't a complete animal he just couldn't decipher the difference between right and wrong.

Your father got in with the wrong people and let them control his life. But he always wanted to make sure you were taken care of and because he wasn't around he didn't know that I could take care of you without a problem.

He would send money to the house but inside of spending it I kept it put away. Knowing the money was most likely made in an unsavory way it didn't feel right to use it. So I hid it and over time I switched that money with money I had made over the years. 

Knowing it would be the perfect gift for when you choose to start your family.

The money your father sent us is with the money I had saved for you. And you are an adult and able to chose what you want to do with it.

In my opinion he has some making up to do but I know money won't fix the hurt.

I always hoped he would find the strength to come out of the shadows and do what was right. Maybe you can bring it out of him. You have so many of his qualities and you don't even know it.

Do me a favor and reach out to him, I don't know if he has changed or if he is still the same but you have the right to know who he is and make that decision for yourself. All the money and information about him are in the vent near your closet in your room.

Cynefin...(18+)Where stories live. Discover now