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Kya POV:

"Woah why are you carrying so much? You know the doctor said not to push yourself." Jin says as he pulls the boxes full of party supplies from my arms.

"I can't help that Keiko had a specific idea for her birthday, because of someone." I say as I glare behind me at Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae.

They all giving me a nervous look before disappearing in the backyard.

"Well what can you say, she's like her mother." Jin says and kisses my cheek before he carries the box into the backyard. I follow behind him and groan.

"Why couldn't I have just gotten all boys." I say as I rub my forehead.

"You sure that nine boys isn't enough?" At the same time Jeonsan runs by with streamers all around him as he runs past us.

"I take it back." I say as I head after Jeonsan. Hearing Jin chuckle, I walk up behind him slowly knowing if I told him to take it off he would only fight me on it.

Yes you heard right, after having Jeonsan and Keiko, again two year later I was pregnant with a baby boy names Mateo. We decided the name one night when I heard  Yoongi talking to the babies. Asking what they wanted their baby brothers name to be.

It was so cute it hurt not to have recorded the moment, but the memory was enough.

He was way easier to handle than his older sibling. I'm pretty sure his favorite thing to do is sleep. Even I was giving birth I though something had happened to him because he wasn't crying but the doctor assure me he was just asleep.

We had to choose his name earlier on, not wanting a repeat of the first time.

Looking over I smile seeing Mateo asleep in Namjoon's arms as they lay in a lawn chair.

Once I'm close enough I wrap my arms around him, pulling him against my legs and grabbing the streamers off him.

"Mama nooooo, I look like a superhero." He says and pouts, folding his arms.

"I'm sorry but even superhero's have to take the day off for their sisters birthday." I say hearing him groan as I finally get it all off him.

"But sissy wanted to wear his princess dress to my party." He pouts giving me those puppy dog eyes I'm so familiar with.

"Exactly and who told her that she had to wait until today?" I ask him, and he points up at me not looking me in my eyes.

Jeonsan and Keiko being twins makes things ever more fun. It makes things easier since they were born on different days, but only minutes apart. Lord only knows how hard it would have been trying to get them to pick out the party ideas together.

He  pouts just like Tae and Jungkook, feel my heart sore I pull him again my chest and kiss his cheek.

"How about after the party you and daddy's play superhero's until bedtime?" I ask and he gasps before turning around.

"You're the best mommy ever!" He yells out as he laughs and wraps his arms around my neck.

"Oof not too tight bub, don't want to squish your baby sister." I say as he pulls away.

"Baby sisters already a meany." He says and folds his arms.

"Why would you say that?" I question.

Cynefin...(18+)Where stories live. Discover now