Ch.95 - Goodbye

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Kya POV:

I climb the stairs quickly, hearing the boys call out after me but I simply tell them I was busy before continuing and reaching the top of the stairs.

Seeing my door open I question it and as I go to push it open I hear voices inside.

"Says the coward who instead of staying to be strong for his family ran from them, unlike you I would give up everything and anything for her, no matter what." I hear Yoongi say and a baffled feeling running through me as I hesitate before opening the door pushing it open slowly.

"Just because that little mistake thinks all seven of you would stay with her to the end, it's pathetic. Her mother couldn't even get one to stay." Hearing my father say and I felt a piercing feeling pass through me at his words. And anger at what he said about my mother and the boys.

And at that I push the door open seeing him hold Yoongi against the wall. I move quickly raising my hand and knee as I push him to the floor.

I didn't stop as my fist pound at his face and chest. Screaming and yelling at him with tears in my eyes, moments later Yoongi pulls me off of him.

As he does I notice the vent in the corner open with the money and papers on the ground. Anger shoots through me as I try to take off towards him again but Yoongi's arms wrap around my waist.

"You piece of shit! You keep your hands off him and you have no right to speak about my mother! I say feeling the anger move through me.

He chuckles, wiping the blood for the corner of his lip as he dusts off his pants and stands.

"Don't take it personally, it's just business." He says looking down at me with a straight face. As if he hadn't just come in my mothers house and put his hands on my fiancé.

"That's all you have to say, 'it's just business', I'm your daughter god dammit and my mother loved you enough that she was ready to start a family with you and even now you stand there like a coward!" I yell at him, as his eyes glare down at me.

"That was her mistake, she was nothing but a distraction from my everyday stress and the fact that a child was made from it makes me sick. I can see the same relentless look in your eyes that I had once seen in hers. But it still gives me the same nauseating feeling it did then." He said now looking at me with a face of disgust.

I clench my hands into a fist, feeling my heart pound against my chest. Not being able to believe my mother could love such a heartless monster.

I couldn't believe my mother would find the good in a man like this, he looked down at me with a dark grin. No grimmer of remorse in his eyes, everything he was saying were his true feeling.

Feeling the stings of my heart pull as his words ring in my ears. 

'Her mistake'


'Makes me sick'

It was almost as if each time the words were repeated in my mind the more light could shine in and everything was clear.

"You know she wrote me a letter, explaining everything. How she fell for you, when she got pregnant with me, and doing it all herself. Yet somehow you feel it's okay to say such things about her only when she's gone. But couldn't find the strength to come to her door like a real man and admit your mistakes. No, you lie your way in with one purpose and one purpose alone, to take the money that you left her to take care of the child you left behind. But I'll be damned if I let you think for one second that your walking out of here with a penny of that money." I yell up at him, taking slow strides towards him until he was backed up against the wall.

He smirks before moving around me and reaching down to grab the ziplock full of money.

"You're tough I'll give you that, but your emotional speech changed nothing. I wasn't meant for the life god tried to give me, so I chose a better one. Don't beat yourself up about it, it's just business." He pats my head,  causing the anger in me to reach its peak.

Turning around planning to snap at him I hear him groan loudly before hunching over as Yoongi holds his wrist behind his back. Every time Antonio moved he would groan out, I could tell he was trying to move out of the position but Yoongi would apply more pressure making him halt his movements.

I hear small chuckles and looking up to see the guys and my uncle all send hard, cold glares at Antonio.

" Now I believe in respecting your elders but I believe Kya made a request. No scratch that, a demand. And I would hope a man of your profession would know when he's out numbered." Yoongi says.

At his words I hear the boys cracking their knuckles and I could feel my heart rate increasing, they all looked so dark and powerful. Finding myself clenching my legs together as my eyes scan them.

The money drops from Antonio's hand and hits the floor. Yoongi pushes Antonio's hand against his back and pushing him forward causing him to stumble slightly.

"¿De verdad crees que es así de fácil?" He questions as he turns to look back at me, causing my eyes to glare in his direction. (Do you really think it's that easy?)

"Sé que lo es y si alguna vez vuelves, no perderé el tiempo conversando y simplemente llamaré a la policía." I say, making sure to return the same dark glare he was sending in my direction. (I know it is and if you ever come back, I will not waste my time with conversation and simply call the cops)

He lightly chuckles before grinning. My stomach felt sick and I almost felt like if I said another word, I'd be vomiting all over the floor.

"Tan lleno de sorpresas, pero supongo que se espera tener el ADN de tu madre, hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar hija." He nods his head once before turning to leave the room, having to struggle his way past the guys, then leaving the house. (So full of surprises, but then I guess having your mothers DNA it is expected, until we meet again daughter.)

After he left I could feel my heart beat in my eyes. If anything I had expected a weight to be lifted off my chest. My breathing becomes heavy and  I start to feel sluggish. Before I know it my vision turns dark and my body falls limp.




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