Ch. 31-Cool, Calm & Collected

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Kya POV:

As I come back into the main room I noticed the boys have moved. I scan the room look for them to see them sitting on a couple out couches near the exit. I also see a group of girls who look like they just had their eighteenth birthday trying to flirt with them.

I don't know either to sit back and let them handle it or play the protective girlfriend and run over there and snatch out there extensions. I can tell Tae is becoming uncomfortable and that makes me take my first step but I stop as Yoongi rips her arm off of him.

His furrowed brows, I could see the anger on his face. I couldn't hear what he said but I could tell she didn't like it as she pulled her friends away and head down a hallway. What is this place a sex maze?

As I walk up to them Tae's eyes meet mine before anyone else. When I'm within arms reach his arms shoot out and wrap out me.

"I-I'm sorry Noona, I-I didn't touch her I promise.

"Tae baby I'm not mad." I stroke his hair feeling a tear fall on my shoulder.

"Hey look at me." I place my hands on both sides of his neck making him meet my eyes.

"I trust you and I have no reason to doubt you, love, I'm not mad at you baby." I stroke his cheek as he nods his head.

I give him a light kiss before pulling back.

"Now come on, I wanna go home." I intertwine our fingers before I let him lead us out of the club.

Taehyung POV:

Standing next to Kya made me feel way better than I didn't a couple of minutes ago. The girl just kept talking and trying to touch me no matter how many times I moved her hands.

Then finally Yoongi told her or she would regret it. I knew he didn't mean it in a treat but I could feel Kya's eyes on us before I could see her.

I am happy we are head home. Cause I didn't really like the atmosphere or the looks I was receiving for many of the men and women.

As we climb the stairs and exit the building I clutch her hand harder as the breeze pushed throw my hair

As we arrive at the car Kya pulls my hand making me look at her as she moves a couple of pieces of my hair out of my face.

"There." She smiled being happy with how it looked before turning back to the car. I quickly walk around her and to the passenger side before opening the door for her as she slid into the car.

Jin hopped into the driving seat as the rest of us filled the back seats.

The entire ride home I was letting my thoughts drift off.

The first one came to me while I was watching Jin play with Kya's finger.

It reminded me of a time when I just started high school and I was dating a girl that was friends with everyone, guys and girls alike.

And she would always he really touch with him. And I would remember how hurt I made me feel. Even being the small guy I was I wanted to run over and sock them straight in the jaw.

But seeing Jin and Kya I felt happy. I didn't feel any anger. I felt happy that the girl I love and my brother were close.

When I first had that thought trust me it scared me too. Being okay with the girl you love and your brothers being together.

But something about her, maybe it was just how she handled it that made us all feel better.

She was really good at time management. She wouldn't spend her whole day with just one of us. Hell, the day has twenty-four hours in it.

Even if she doesn't spend a huge amount of time with all of us. She makes sure to make us all feel loves.

I can't even explain the number of times she has randomly kissed me has made me stir crazy. I used to get constant boners from it.

I'm learning to control it but not every time is successful.

During the show, I had found my eyes drifting over to Kya multiple times. I saw her eyes lit up every time the flogger came down on the girl.

But the thought that made my dick stick up in my pants wasn't the idea of doing it to her, but of her doing it to me.

It made it hard to watch the show but there was no
blocking out the sounds that echoed throughout the room.

I had to down the rest of my drink to stop thinking about it. But I'm a lightweight and the alcohol made got me buzzed but I sobered up as soon as that girl touched me.

"Hey Tae-Tae, what did Kya day?" I turn my head to face Jungkook.

"She said she wasn't mad and I didn't do anything wrong." I turned a little in my seat knowing it probably didn't end there.

"Ohhh really I heard her tell Jin that she had a punishment planned for you." Jimin said from beside Jungkook.

My eyes widen before I fell my dick harden once again but I also felt sweat drop down my neck, making me pull my sweater over it.

"N-no s-she d-didn't." I kept stuttering as I shake my head, trying and failing to show I was okay.

"Oohhhh are you scared?" Jungkook poked me in the stomach.

"N-n-n-o-ooooo." I stutter once again.

"Ohhh Tae-Tae is gonna be in trouble with Noona." Jimin gasps but didn't say it loud enough for everyone in the car to hear.

I fold my arms and turn away. Even with the fact that we weren't blood brothers, they were just as mean as them sometimes. 

I'd always have an angry moment with a couple of my brothers, but I could trade them for the world. We have seen each other at our worst and now we get to see each other at our best.

I ignored Jimin and Jungkook the rest of the way home, closing my eyes as I decided sleep was that better option.


ThEy ArEn'T BlOoD BrOtHeRs!!!!!

NO! But I will soon get into the story of how they came to be. :))


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