Ch.69 - Helping

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Kya POV:

"Min Yoongi get your ass down here," I say as I stand next to the same sticky stop I asked Yoongi to clean up at the beginning of the day yesterday.

"Yes, my queen you called." His eyes held a playful look but when he says they anger in mine it quickly vanished.

"You remember the talk we had yesterday," I say as I move the Swiffer mop handle between my fingers not raising my head to meet his gaze.

"Y-yes." I could hear the nervousness in his voice, last week Hobi had done the same thing and I ask him to clean it up and he said he did I came back later and stepped on the spot which leads to the substance soaking into my socks.

Now I don't know about anyone else's but wet sock just feels weird on my feet and the feeling makes me cringe.  It leads to me tackling him and telling him if he did it again I would put the sock in his mouth.

Causing him to quickly move and clean the entire kitchen floor.

I raise my head and meet his eyes.

"And you see this, correct." I saw using my big to circle it around the mess he left on the floor.

"Y-yes m-ma'am." He says his voices slightly shake as he started to rub the back of his neck.

"Then you know what I'm going to say." He raises his head slightly and nods.

And as I'm about to speak again he gives me a smile and pulls the Swiffer from my hands, starting to clean the floor. I kiss his cheek, leaving him to his cleaning.

I hear the chimp of my ringtone and pull my phone out of my pocket to see a text from my mom.

Momma: Gloria's making me walk around the block at least once a day. All this walking and the woman is driving me crazy. But pero te extrañamos y no podemos esperar para verte en Navidad! Send my love to the boys. (But we miss you and can't wait to see you for Christmas.)

I smile at the text, even after only meeting them once my mom was really accepting of all of them. She even practices using her English more when talking and it really touches me how close they had become in such a short amount of time.

For some reason Gloria was making my mom work out more than normal, when we came down there for the fourth I asked her and she brushed it off just saying it was old age, but I've noticed that she moves slower or need to stop to take breaths.

But I didn't want to bring it up too much in fear of ruining the mood or upsetting her. I could only hope she would talk to me about it.

I text her back letting her know that I'm happy she's doing so good and to keep me updated as I sit down on the couch next to Hobi and Jungkook while they played the game.

"Something up love, you look upset?" He says and pauses the game making Jungkook complain.

"Yeah just texting my momma," I say and he nods, giving me a smile and kissing my cheek as he turns back towards the game.

Deciding that I wanted to wander around I get up and start walking. I go by Jungkook's room seeing him on his game, I took a small video of him yelling at people on the game and it was so cute, he constantly switched between Korean and English.

Next was Yoongi's studio, I knew that was where he would be but what surprised me was to see Jimin in the corner. He had headphones on and looked be in his own world. I smile before taking pictures of them with cute filters on their faces and slipping out before I could ruin their train of thought.

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