Ch.74 - Birthday Fun

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Kya POV:

Christmas is less than a week away and I have still yet to get gifts. I hate buying gifts because I always want to give them to people right away. I may hate buying gifts but I like buying things for people, it always makes me happy to see their reactions to it.

My mom has always loved my handmade stuff, And I had been working on her's since the beginning of November. It was a picture she had told me was her favorite, it was of me and her when I was younger, we were sitting at the top of the slide and she was holding me in her lap getting ready to slide down with a giant smile on her face.

I knew she would love it the second it came to mind and I went out and bought the canvas for it the next day.

Right now I was trying to find the best gift for the guys and I still had to get Tae and Jin's birthday presents. I groan and lean my head back as someone comes around the corner.

"Having some trouble?" I turn to see a skinny and tall guy, he has on a name tag so assume he works here.

"Just trying to pick out the right Christmas presents," I say smiling over to him.

"Ahh, how many presents are you looking for?" He asks me.

"Mhm well there are seven of them and then it's also two of their birthdays so nine and all guys." The worker's eyes widen before he chuckles.

"Well, I could show you a go aisle if you would follow me." He says as he exits the aisle and I follow behind him.

He leads me to the men's section, there were different shirts and jewelry, they also had a wall full of posters and I was already seeing things they would want.

"I'm pretty sure this area should help you find what you're looking for." I thank him before he disappears into another part of the store.

I look around before I find something that catches my attention, they were a pair of moccasins and I immediately thought of Tae knowing he usually walks around with his bare feet, he might like these for something to easily slip into. I grab them and I continue to scan the store.

I saw a cute hat that had puppy ears and pays that hang down to your chest. It looked cute and it reminded me of the frog hat he bought the other week but I keep looking wanting to find something else.

And then I see it, It looked to be headphones, they were all back and looked amazing. I happen to know Jin needs a pair because Jimin and Tae were fighting and broke his. I grab them and as I start to walk towards the check out I forgot I had to get the Christmas gifts, I turn back and what my eyes land on makes me laugh.

Across the black shirt in bright pink was the words I love my girlfriend.

I find all there sizes and then seeing the pink brought the perfect idea into my brain. I grab all the items before going to the checkout, paying for them, and heading out of the store to the nearest art supply store.


To say it took forever to wrap all their gifts and finish them on time was an understatement I had finished them on the twenty-third, I stayed in my room the whole night to finish them and had Gloria come over to sit with my mother in case something happened.

I was currently putting all the gifts under the tree and waiting for Jin to show up, today was his birthday and he said he wanted to come down earlier than the rest of the guys so we could spend time together.

Letting everyone else sleep in while Jin woke up early just to come down here.

I put on a light pink dress and a pair of heels, not sure exactly what he wanted to do I was just looking forward to spending time with him.

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