Ch. 30-Inner Thoughts

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Yoongi's POV:

The guy's mouth fell open at Kya remark finally putting two and two together.

"Oh, you lucky dog! The must be something in the sack." He laughs

"Like you wouldn't believe." She smirked. Kook and I both look at each other silently asking if he had. He shook his head no.

The bartender soon turned to Jungkook and asked him what drink he wanted. Kook handed him the napkin we had written everyone's drinks on.

"Damn you guys are some crazy drinkers. He laughs before turning and heading to the other side of the bar.

"So now tell me something do you really think it was me he was trying to get with?" She bites down on her straw before sipping it.

"Trust me, I'm sure you have the possibility to make any gay man straight," I smirk at her as I rub her hip.

She shrugs as she continues to drink. The bartender soon comes back with a tray full of the drink we asked or I take it and thank him. He sends me a wink causing me to laugh as I turn to head to our table.

I can't hear what he said but whatever it was it made Kook blush and grab a hold of Kya's hand. They say goodbyes before she pulls Kook along and back the bed.

Tonight was action going pretty great. I barely paid attention to what was happening on the stage. I had my eyes on Kya for most of it. I say the lust in her eyes and how her body would twitch or she would bite her lip.

And by the end, I felt on the brink of coming in my pants. I haven't been here in a while the whole place has always been red. But the beds haven't always been this big. I used to come here back when I was in college.

It was a nice relief from my everyday bullshit. I stopped coming a while back after I met Summer here. I had her so I didn't really need a random woman. We were never together she was just always down when I was.

But that didn't last long. She was boring in bed and out of it. I don't know maybe the first time it only felt good cause I was drunk off my ass.

No matter how hard I tried to cut her off she always came back.

She'd seduce me in the way that she knew best. My kinks were my weak point. I have a thing for pet play. I don't know what it is but it drives me nuts and it's not something I've told anyone. Summer just knew and she used it to her advantage.

I wish I didn't have it, but I'm stuck with it.

I brought Namjoon here one night he was upset about this chick who has hurt him. I brought him here to help him clear his mind. I never took him after then and he never mentioned going again. It made me wonder how many times he had come alone or why.

As I approach the bed I hold the tray out letting them grab their shit before I grab me and let the tray on a nearby table.

A couple of girls start to filter onto the stage with small glitter thongs and patches over their nipples as Taste by Tyga starts blowing through the speakers.

After a couple of minutes, I can see Kya squirming in her seat before she stands up.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna do to the restroom." I see her glare down at something I let my eyes follow them to see Hobi sucking on his fingers before he winks at her.

She quickly turns and heads in the direction of the glowing restroom sign. I think to follow her, not wanting her to be alone because I knew Luca's red room was back there, along with smaller chambers that you had to walk past.

I decided that if she's not back in five minutes that either I or one of my brothers is going to look for her.

Kya's POV:

As soon as the dancers came on stage Hobi took that as the perfect chance to mess with me some more.

He slid his hands up my dress and was fingering me, and I saw a couple watching us in the corner. It excited me even more and I felt my juices running down my leg. I quickly shot up saying I needed to use the restroom.

I follow the red sign down a hallway. There's something that looks like bars all the way down the hallway with a white strobe light.

As I walk down the light I can feel my intoxication kicking into a new level. Behind the bars there was some girl dance, some being tortured, and closer to the end I could see a couple of men strapped to an "X" while women poured hot wax on them.

As I keep walking I come to a double door that says "Kings Quarters". I'm guessing this is where the owner has his alone time. I past them and come to the restrooms as I push the door open and stumble inside.

I do my business and flush the toilet before coming out and washing my hands. The door swings open and in walks in a blonde in a red robe. Something about her seemed familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hey girl you wouldn't happen to have a condom would you?"

"No sorry."

"Ugh, crap okay thanks anyway, and cute dress." She doesn't wait for my response as she closes the door. I shake my head and rub my forehead. I felt like I could still hear her voice ringing in my ear.

I dry my hands and walk out of the bathroom, completely forgetting about the flashing lights as they make my head spin when I step out.

I start walking only to walk into a wall and laugh thinking I was going to hit the floor, but the wall grabs me.

Scaring the crap out of me, I look up into what looks like deep green eyes. He had long black hair and tanned skin.

"Now now what are you doing back here princessa?"

He ran his finger over my jaw as he waits for my response.

"T-the bathroom." I point my hand behind me towards the bathroom and slowly push against his chest to stand up. Only to feel a hot bare chest, I quickly pull my hand back.

"Thanks for catching me." I fix my dress and walk around him.

"Anytime Bellissima." He calls out as I continue to walk down the hallway and back to my boys.


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