Ch. 29- Secret Kink Club

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Kya POV:

As we pulled apart I was out of breath. I didn't pull my eyes away from Hobi's until I heard shuffling. Quickly reminding me we weren't alone. I look over to see them all covers or trying to cover there hard-ons.

I giggle as I bite my lip.

"So are we still going out tonight?"

Jin looked to his watch before pushing his hair back. "We can go out for a couple of hours be we all have work tomorrow."

After everyone got dress we couldn't think of anywhere to go that would already be crowded with people, but Namjoon said he knew a spot where there wouldn't be many people.

I think that was probably our first mistake. Because not only did he pick the most random place. But the place was like a secret kink club.

The Kings Chambers flashed in a light red over the small building. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I don't know Joon maybe we should just kick it at the house for the night." Jungkook seemed to feel tense I quickly move over to him and intertwine our fingers, sending him a small smile.

"Look guys it's not that bad, Yoongi's been here before too and he can just observe and not do anything." Everyone turned to look at Yoongi who scared the back of his neck.

"It was only a couple of times." He mumbles causing a smirk to cross my lips.

"Come on guys we can give it a chance and go home if it gets too much." After a couple of minutes everyone agrees as we walk in.

Namjoon walks up to a guy behind a desk before speaking in hushed tones and coming back with yellow wrist bands.

Putting one on all of us before we slowly walk down a flight of stairs and through a blood-red door. It must have been soundproof because the second the doors opened music filled the room.

I was in awe as we entered. The entire place was red, there were glass boxes with women is little to no clothing, and lounges around the edge of the room.

On the far side of the room was a stage and on it was a giant "X". Around the stage were couches and beds. All with the same red bedding and pillows.

Some of the outer bed s were covered in bodies doing many different thinks it was hard to tell who's hand was who's.

I felt a hand move around my waist causing me to slightly gasp before look to whom the arm belongs too.

"You see anything interesting princess?" Namjoon says as he strokes my arm.

"I'm not sure yet.." I bite my lip still continuing to scan the room and I see a bar.

"Who's driving home?" I ask clearly enough that everyone could hear me.

"Namjoon since he's making us be here." I hear Jimin day and Namjoon's head slaps back to him before a growl leaves his lips.

"Come on boys, live for the night, but you touch any of these people and I might have to punish you." I wink at them as I pull Jungkook along with me.

" Is it a bad thing that I want her to punish me?" I hear Tae's voice causing me to smirk but I continue to walk to the bar.

We both sit as Jungkook orders us drinks as the other guys find there way over here.

I turn my chair and look around the room. I could honestly say I was interested in this place I don't know what it was but I didn't feel awkward.

The bartender returned with my drink. I grab my drink and just as I think to turn around a scene catches my eye.

I look in the room through the glass wall to see a woman tied to the ceiling her hand and legs bound with a blindfold over her eyes.

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