Ch. 22-Headspace

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Dinner was tense, not in a bad way but in a sexual tension way. I say between Namjoon and Hobi as we all started to eat.

The entire time I was eating either Namjoon or Hobi were running there fingers up my thighs causing my face to become red. Jimin and Taw would look over at me every once in awhile before looking at each other and having a silent conversation.

They were all making me feel so small and I blush even more at that though. Wishing I could hide behind my hair.

They were making it hard to keep my headspace hidden from them. I don't want them to look at me like I'm crazy or broken. I'm not a little because it just isn't me but once someone told me I was a switch and it kind of stuck with me.

A switch in simple terms is someone who likes to be in power at one point and being controlled the next. And I found that to suit me beautifully. But my headspace made me act younger or it was kind of comforting. It helped me a lot during high school and college. But after I didn't find myself needing it much.

I had told one boyfriend and we were together for a while. But in the end just like every other time nothing ever worked out. He would just use it against me and make me feel bad. Which would just make me want to slip even more.

And it's the first time I've actually found not just one good guy but seven and I didn't want to mess it up. If that meant holding back my headspace especially when they call me baby girl, then that's what I have to do.

"You okay princess?" Namjoon pulled me out of my thoughts and I raised my head to look up at him to see him sending me a small smile but I could see the small bit of worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine." I smile before taking my plate into the kitchen and cleaning it. These all slowly fine through as the put there plates in the sink and I tell them I will wash them. They all insisted on doing it themself but I promised it was the least I could do.

After many minutes of them fighting me on it I finally won. They all gave me either a kiss on the cheek or forehead. Namjoon was the last to place his plate in the sink and once he did u lifts my chin and kisses my lip.

"We need to talk later." I look up at him and nod. He gives me a reassuring smile before slipping out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

I felt nervous, I didn't think he was mad at me but I knew he probably had some questions.

After I finished washing the dished I dried my hands. I decided to use this time to talk to my mom.

I called her and it rang a couple of times before she answered.

"Hija mía, no he escuchado tu hermosa voz, ¿qué has estado haciendo?" I heard movement on the side. I knew she was probably cooking or doing on of her out ragious activities. (My daughter I have not heard your beautiful voice what have you been up too?)

I smile before answering her. "Nada mamá, he estado conociendo mejor a algunas personas." I lean over the counter and rest my elbows on the counter.(Nothing mama I have been getting to know some people better.)

I hear her take a breath. "Ohhh, ¿es un hombre? ¿Voy a tener un nieto?" She starts clapping and I have to stop her from celebrating. (Ohhh is it a man!? Am I getting a grandchild??)

"Mamá cálmate! No habrá nietos por el moment." I laugh wanting to change the subject as soon as possible. (Mama calm down! There will be no grandchildren for the moment.)

Taehyung POV:

I bounce down the stairs looking for one of my brothers as I push my glasses up my nose. I usually don't wear them but I didn't feel like putting my contacts in. As I got to the bottom of the stair I could hear someone speaking what sounded like Spanish.

Hearing the feminine tone in the voice I could tell it was Kya. This woman never seemed to amaze me. She had talked about a time she vacationed in Mexico but I didn't know she could speak the language so fluent.

I had taken a Spanish class in college and I wasn't the best but I could get the gist of what was being said.

I could tell she was talking to her mother about what seemed to be children. And I felt myself be frazzled at the thought. Is that something she wanted? Did she already have someone in mind she wanted to have them with?

A warm feeling starts to grow in my chest at the thought of it being me. She was one phenomenal girl. She made me question so many things. And I could see the way she reacted to my brothers and the biggest question in my mind was, did she want us all?

The thoughts of getting to love Kya along with my brothers brought me great joy. We weren't all subtle about how we felt about Kya, but we knew we want to know her better before taking any big steps.

Besides Namjoon, Jin and Hobi have known her to longest and they also agreed that though she may be a free spirit, love was not a game she was used to playing or having ever won. And we don't want her to think the wrong things.

And decides I happened to enjoy learning small things about her, unique things. I focus back on the conversation. She said something along the lines of having a couple of guys she was interested in and a smile spread across my face.

I didn't want to be caught eavesdropping so I turned around and look off up the stair. Coming to Jimin's room I push open the door before closing it hard behind me and leaning against the back of the door.

"Min you won't believe what I just heard."


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