Ch. 59-Change

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Kya POV:

I couldn't hear anything over the beating of my heart, I could feel my body heating up and my stomach-turning.

When Yoongi came over Namjoon looked at him with a disappointed look that didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi, His eyes fall to mine, and when our eyes me it makes my head clench in my chest and I hide my face in Namjoon's chest not wanting him to see me cry.

He looks down at the papers and his eyes widen the size of golf balls and his head snaps to summer.

"You're lying!" He was angry but she didn't do anything but smirk and chew on her gum before stepping into the house.

"Oh it's really baby, we can finally be a family." I couldn't take anymore, my heart was crushing at each word she spoke, I took off out of Namjoon arms and ran stair for the basement.

I could hear them calling for me but I didn't care, this was all too much. I pull the door open and slam it, locking it closed behind me.

I don't even make it to the bottom of the stairs before I'm crying my eyes out and clutching my chest.

Of course, this could happen, I was finally happy I got the chance to see what love looks like only for it to be snatched away by a woman who looks like she bought her outfit in the costume department.

I grip my head and cry ignoring all the banging Namjoon's doing on the door, I crawl into bed and just lay in the sheets not even having the energy to pull them over me.

Jimin POV:

It's been a couple of minutes since Yoongi ran into the house and the rest of us are mostly dry.
Namjoon was talking so long with the towels that Jin just grabbed one from the laundry room for us to share.

We walk in the kitchen to see stuff for sandwiches on the counter, BLT's if I'm correct and I could feel my stomach growl and I reach out for a piece of bacon.

Jin smacks my hand, sending me a glare that told me not to touch, I groan soon we heard yelling and all start walking towards it.

"How far along are you?" Namjoon says to the girl standing near the doorway.

I turn to Yoongi and he looked at whatever papers in his hand like he saw a ghost.

"6 weeks, can you believe it, baby, our little bean is already growing!" We all gasp and out jaws drop making everyone turn this way.

"How can it be Yoongi's we've been with Kya for nearly a month!"

Namjoon says I can tell he's getting mad but he's trying and really failing at controlling himself.

"Well if you do remember Yoongi we were together just a little bit before you met your little spicy tuna roll." She flicks her hand through the air and pulls her purse up higher on her shoulder.

"Watch your mouth!" Yoongi says and his grip tightens on the papers.

I could see a small glimmer of fear in her eyes before it was covered with a smirk.

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