Ch. 32-The Future

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Jin POV:

I noticed the car was a lot quieter than it usually is. After finally arriving to the house, I cut the car off and turn around. I see Taehyung asleep looking like he's almost going to fall from his seat with Kooks head in his lap and Jimin laying on top of him.

I slap Hobi's knee telling him to take a picture. He nods before turning and taking one. But the flash was too much, causing them to walk up.

"Look whos finally awake." They all yawn I turn to Kya to show her just to see that she is also asleep. Clutching Yoongi's jacket around her. I smirk before pulling out my phone, remembering to turn the flash off, and taking a picture. She looked so cute that I officially had a new lock screen.

"Guys shhh our baby girl fell asleep." All of my brothers stop their movement to took at her. She looked so peaceful I was scared to wake her up.

We all slowly slip out of the car before I walk to the other side and carry her in my arms bridal style. She instantly hid her face in my neck almost causing me to shiver when her lips touched my neck.

"Hyung I wanna sleep with Noona." I look back to see Taehyung pouting.

"Me too." Jungkook and Jimin both say causing me to groan.

"Ok, you can come to sleep in my bed cause it will be big enough for all of us."

They started getting excited and loud which cause Kya to stir in my arms, making my head snap over to them and they instantly became quiet. As Namjoon went around them to unlock the door.

"Sorry Hyung." The three of them said before quietly shuffling into the house and to there rooms to change into nightwear.

Yoongi took off into the directions of his studio causing me to shake my head. He always locked himself in there. Like there weren't his brothers or Kya out here. But I can't push him especially not knowing if he and Kya have made up yet.

The rest of my brother tell me goodnight before heading upstairs towards there rooms as I slowly follow behind not want to wake Kya.

Finally arriving to my room I push the door open and lay Kya on my bed. After deciding that I wasn't going to let her sleep in that dress I pull it off her body and throw it into my laundry basket before pulling one of my shirts over her head and tucking her under the covers.

I thank the gods that I was smart enough to pick a bigger bed when he moves in. At first, I had used it for the maknea's. They weren't exactly subtle about how they felt American was different from home.

But we needed the change. Though we enjoyed our life in Korea, it wasn't what we all wanted. We wanted to branch out and find our own things.

I for one didn't see myself performing for the rest of my life. I wanted a family and being in Korea I couldn't tell if someone wanted me for me or they just wanted my fame.

I know Namjoon and Yoongi still make songs sometimes. But I just hope that soon they can realize the chances they are missing.

My eyes drift down to Kya. Her curls were sprawled, her caramel skin glowing even in her sleep. Only the gods could understand why a woman so beautiful and captivating was brought into our lives.

But I knew one thing there was no way I was going to let her go. I didn't know if my brothers felt the same as me but seeing her laid out on my head and after making love to her. I wanted her to have my children. And that maybe be a little fast.

But the other night that thought was racing through my mind. Just the thought of seeing her a big and beautiful with our baby inside her.

I heard a knock on my door pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Hyung can we come in." I could hear Jimin's voice.

"Yeah come on, but be quiet." They quietly opened the door as they slide into the room and climb on the bed. Jungkook and Jimin on her other side while Tae laid his head on her stomach. I smile crosses my face at how quickly they found a position they would be comfortable in.

I sit on the bed before leaning back and getting comfortable.

"Goodnight Hyung." I hear the three of them say and I tell them the same.

After a couple of minutes of silence, I hear someone whisper.

"Salanghae." I don't question it because I would have said the same thing.

I slowly drift to sleep with possible thoughts of the future on my mind.

Kya POV:

I could feel heat all over me. I tried to move my limbs but I could feel them being held down and I was too tired to fight it.

I could feel something wet touching all over my body. I could feet it over my lips, but thinking it was a dream I didn't open my eyes.

Soon the wetness grew more and I could feel pleasure running through me.

I start to shirt my legs, as I felt something wrap around them before sucking hard on my clit and causing my eyes to pop open.

I look down between my legs to see Tae and when our eyes meet we starts to flick his tongue faster causing a moan to slip out of my mouth and my back to arch off the bed.

I couldn't last long after Jungkook and Jimin started sucking on my nipples. I cried out as I coated Tae's tongue in my juices. He lapped at my pussy like a dog in heat.

While his brothers bite down my my nipples making me squirm before they all slowly pull back.
Just as Jin is coming out of his bathroom.

"Ahh so I see the boys put there own twist what I told them to do." She shakes his hair dry before pulling out a button down and dress pants.

"Crap we have work!" I shoot up out of the bed.

"That's why I had the boys wake you up, now up up hotness we still have to get you get and get across town." He pulled out a tie and placed it on top of his other clothes.

I kiss all the maknea's one there cheeks and thank them before doing the same to Jin, going into the shower.



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