Ch. 33-A Days Work

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Kya POV:

Unfortunately, Jin didn't have the same flowery body wash that Jimin had but I smell like Jin so that made up for it.

After getting changed, eating, and saying goodbye to everyone. Namjoon, Jin and I are finally on our way to work. Joon keeps making jokes about how intensely I was watching the show last night.

To be honest it wasn't the work experience but I don't think everyone was comfortable maybe in the future a couple of us would go again but definitely not all.

After Namjoon locks the car we walk into the building. I can feel eyes on me but I don't care to say the least, people staring isn't anything new to me.

But I feel more comfortable as the elevator doors were closed.

I kiss them before telling them to have a good day as they exit the elevator before heading off to there desks.

I ride the elevator up one more floor to where I work before stepping out. I fall into my chair letting out a huff and grabbing Mia's attention.

"Girl your five minutes late what have you don't with my Kya." She comes around her desk and lifts my chin and moves my head to the side.

I groan and pull back making her glare at me before raising her eyebrows and smelling the air.

"What's that smell?"

My eyes widen, knowing I used Jin's body wash this morning.

"I don't smell anything," I say as I pull a flip out of my drawer and put my hair up.

She leans down before smelling around my neck.

"Where have I smelt that before?" She gave me a questioning look, I try to shrug it off, playing it off.

She gives up going back to her seat and getting back to work.

Throughout the day I couldn't get the thought of Tae's tongue from between my legs. Every time I would clench my legs if felt like I could still feel it.

I didn't know if I was going to be going home with Namjoon and Jin or if they were going to drop me off at home.

But I didn't really want to do home. After just being with the seven of them for a couple of days makes me never want to go home. I soon hear a vibration in my desk, I open the draw and check my phone to see a couple of text from the guys.

Kookie: Wish I'd see your beautiful face walking through the door, I miss you like crazy.

Jiminy: Hobi and I came up with a dance we wanted to try tomorrow, you in?

Yoongi: Don't bother even thinking of going home, I have a surprise for you tonight :))

I bite my lip at the last text, I figured it was probably his way of making it up for ditching me on our supposed first date.

I wasn't really mad anymore about it, I mean temptation happens. I just hope he knows once he is officially mine I won't be allowing that or I won't be so nice.

I texted Kookie back telling him I missed him more and couldn't wait to cuddle up with him later, texted Jimin that I would gladly do it after work tomorrow. And finally texting Yoongi that I was looking forward to it and I would see him tonight.

After finally making it through the day it's about 5:30 pm when I feel someone come up behind me and put their head in the crook of my neck.

I lightly pull back to see Namjoon, he kisses my cheek and wraps his arms around me.

"You ready to go princess?" I nod before putting finishing touches on a copyright page and saving it on my computer.

"Ugh, you guys are the cutest." I look over at Mia to see her watching us, causing me to laugh.

"See you tomorrow Mia." I wave goodbye to her as I grab my bag and Namjoon quickly takes it from my hands and placing it on his own, as he intertwines our fingers.

"Where's Jin?" I ask kissing my tall dark-haired beauty.

"Look up gorgeous." I hear a voice and I look straight to see Jin standing near the elevator.

I quickly walk up to him before kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Someone's happy." He wrapped his arm around me as he smiled down at me.

"I missed you guys can you blame me." The elevator door opens as I slide inside smirk at them as they do the same.

We had to make a pit stop by my apartment to get a couple of more work outfits. And the entire time Namjoon was saying I just needed to bring all my clothes because he was never going to let me leave.

When we get home I immediately pull off my heels and let out a sign making the guys laugh.

"You try walking in these torcher devices five days out of the week." I see Hobi on the couch and I jump in his lap, pecking him on the cheek. He wraps his arm around me before planting his lips on mine.

He leaned down to my ear and kissed my neck, asking how my day went. After I explained it to him he whispered in my ear that Yoongi was waiting for me in his studio.

I get up happily walking in that direction after Hobi slaps my ass. I giggle before walking faster. I've never been to Yoongi's studio, I never wanted to interrupt him while he was working. But I knew what door is was because Jungkook and Jimin had talked about it.

Coming to stand in from of the door I can hear music playing from the inside making the sign on the door that read "Min Yoon-gi's".

I take a deep breath before looking over my outfit. I mean it's not exactly sexy to be in my work clothes, I let out a groan before running my fingers through my hair and knocking on the door.

After a couple of seconds the door flies open and there stands Yoongi with a black shirt and jeans on with his damp hair hanging in front of his eyes.

I gave a whole new meaning to the worn-out a sexy look. I had to control myself from pushed his hair back and planting my lips against his but his words brought me out of my trance.

"Do you wanna come in?"



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