Ch.68 - Relaxation

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Kya POV:

I groan pushing the front door closed behind me. Work this week was beyond crazy, we had been having a lot more work than usual, we had started another partnership with five new publishers went meant all this paperwork need to be done.

And in my line of work some people just come to work here for there day to day paychecks, it was my lively hood and it was what I enjoyed doing. Going through all this just makes me want to find a job where you can travel and right. That would be heaven on earth.

Not having to wear theses painful hears or pencil skits and just writing while learning about new things around the world. The only good things about my job were Jin and Namjoon, but I barely get to see them.

I had to work another Saturday and I was just getting home around six at night. Hearing me enter the boys on the couch turn around as I'm pulling my heels off my feet.

"Kya you know we would have happily driven you to work and picked you up." I hear Namjoon say and I push my curls out of my face and stand straight.

"It's fine I don't want to be a bother on your free days." I wave my hand as in a way of saying forget it.

But when I raise my eyes I see him standing in front of me.

"Next time let us drive you, You've already been working like crazy I don't want to worry about you being tired and your eyes drifting closed at the wheel." He gives me a stern look.

I knew he was just being the protective boyfriend and I understood so I nod my head standing on my tiptoes to kiss him lips.

"I promise, now I need a shower because I know I smell like an office." I hug him before heading towards the basement door and down the stairs.

I start pulling off my clothes as I walk down the stairs, pulling my shirt over my head and when I regain my eyesight I see Jungkook and Jimin sitting on my bed.

"Sorry Noona we just wanted to see you before bed and you have the better games." He says not taking his eyes off the tv screen as he presses the button on the Wii controller.

Jungkook had talked me into getting a Wii, at first I didn't want it but we talked me into it and it gave them something to do when they come down here while I'm painting.

I strip, throwing my dirty work clothes in my laundry basket and going into the bathroom. I turn on the hot water, using the time to put my hair up in a clip not having the energy to deal with it and letting it warm up before sliding it.

A hot shower always helped my muscles, but I couldn't ever stay into too long or I would feel like my knees were ready to buckle at any moment.

I wash my face and then my body before rinsing off the soap and stepping out I hold the towel around my body, walk into the room, and grabbing pj's. As I'm walking back into the bathroom Jimin calls out to me.

"How was work?" I turn towards him and clutch the towel tighter around myself.

"Stressful, they signed on new publishers and were opening another office which means more people and also more hires." I saw twirling my hand in the air.

"You know if you ever get sick of looking at papers all the time, you are more than welcome to help me and Hoseok teach classes we would both enjoy the company." He winks at me making me smile.

"I'll think about it, as much as I love dancing, writing just helps me be at peace sort of, and helping other people do that is pretty amazing," I say and he nods.

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