Ch.66 - Dresses

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Kya POV:

It was now Sunday and I couldn't stop thinking about what Hobi had said in the shower. His words were ringing throughout my head.

I knew I wanted that with him two, but I didn't know what his brothers though. I didn't want to assume that they all pictured spending the rest of their lives with me because that's just not realistic in my eyes.

There was no way the seven of them would possibly see themselves with me for the rest of their lives. Why would they want to share such a simple woman like me when they could all have their own.

One that hasn't already been broken and who could fight for their child, not letting someone snatch it away so easily.

It made me start to think this could possibly just be something they wanted to do for a short while before eventually letting it go.

Every time that thought drifted into my mind I would find my fingers reaching up to my necklace and twisting it between my fingers.

They always caught me when theses thoughts were strung through my mind. They would walk in the room or just raise their heads as if they could sense it.

Another part of me knew exactly what those words meant and it made my heart want to beat out of my chest. Just imagining what it would look like had tears in my eyes.

Yoongi had been really touchy within the last couple of days, yesterday he and Hobi left early in the morning and returned with grins on their faces. Hobi squeezes his shoulder and sent him a smile before disappearing but when I ask what they did I knew he was lying.

He said he had just bet Hobi and won, but I wasn't convinced because the boys bet on some things all the time and I've never seen him smile like that big.

Even trying to get it out of Hobi and he wouldn't tell me only saying Yoongi needed to tell me.

I knew he would tell me within time so I didn't want to push, he even came down and interrupted mine and Jimin's dancing to try and lighten the mood.

I had been trying to do a certain movie with Jimin and I kept messing up. Yoongi's dance helped and I couldn't help of think how much I love when he was like this, so free.

It gave me another reason to add to the list of why I wanted to love this man for the rest of my life.

Right now I'm looking through different dress racks, Tae was supposed to be helping me. It was for his project for class, I didn't remember all the details but he had said his they were going to be fancy.

But I'm not used to dressing fancy, I go casual or business every day. I don't usually wear fancy or elegant dresses. Long dresses always bugged me, it made me think it was a waste of fabric.

Looking at some made my eyes go wide with the price tag, who the hell would pay that much for a dress.

"Love we won't get anywhere if you look at the price tags." I turn to see Namjoon.

"I can't help it, old habits die hard. Look at this!" I hold out the price tag to time and he groans before putting his hand over it.

"You do know we aren't letting you pay for these dresses, right?" My eyes widen at his words.

"What do you mean dresses, plural?" He chuckles before nodding his head.

"Tae had to help Jungkook find the right jacket, but told me to make sure you pick three dresses." I groan and lean my head back.

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