Informational Introduction

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Thank you LivingLifeBeautiful for helping me cheer up and have something to look forward to. Our roleplays made me happy and helped me overcome a spurt of depression. :) Thank you for being there even though you had no clue you were even helping me out. Also thanks for allowing me to turn our creation into a love story for all to read.

I now present to you, based on a roleplay, Dramione- When You Don't See Me

"Well if it isn't the smartest witch of her year, Granger... Where's my hug?" He smirked at her "You missed me didn't you?"

Hermione scrunched her eyebrows at him, "I think the word 'missed' is a stretch."

A story full of cute moments, anger, odd relationships, and all the drama. Draco has befriended the Weasleys and has decided to stay for the summer while he decides where to buy a house. This is unknown to Hermione. The couple is surprised to find out that neither of them are as terrible as they thought. They help each other out during their worst struggles and though they may split, nothing will keep them from bringing themselves back into each other's lives.

Hermione's relationship partners keep trying to cause problems, will Hermione and Draco fight together or run away apart?

Small Warning:
I am copying a decent amount of this book by use of a picture to text app so I can include exact quotes from the roleplay this is based on. This can cause paragraphs and sentences to be split by random paragraph breaks. Please do your best to ignore it, I've fixed many of them but they only look fixed on my size screen so I may have missed a lot of them.

Another warning:
This book mentions sex and other mature topics. You will be warned again when they come up at the beginning of the chapters they're included in.

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