"In the middle of the Desert, in the safest place of the Forest, in the highest spot of the Mountains, in the edge of the Ocean, in the dryest land of the Swamp, in the coziest territory of the Meadow, and in the coldest place of the Arctic.
Destroy the core of Territory and you can finished this game."
Semua yang berada di ruangan Taeyong langsung saling tatap kebingungan setelah Taeyong selesai membaca isi dari gulungan kertas itu.
"What is it mean?" tanya Johnny.
Taeyong mengangkat kedua bahunya singkat dan meletakkan kertas itu di mejanya, "I don't know,"
"Ah! I think, it's our mission. Our final mission. For tommorow!" seru Heejin.
"Well, that's make sense. But, what the hell is—the core of Territory? And why do we have to destroy it?"
Heejin menggeleng, "No idea,"
Kemudian mereka semua terdiam. Pikiran mereka dipenuhi dengan setiap kata yang ada di kertas itu dan berusaha mencari maksudnya.
"Is it possible? If we find the core of the Territory and destroy it, the Territory itself will be destroyed. And if we destroy all the core, that means this game will be destroyed too. 'Cause this game was formed by the Territory," kata Jaemin.
Kemudian semua yang ada di ruangan itu langsung membulatkan mata, seakan pikiran mereka sudah mulai terbuka.
"That's it! Dude, that's a great explanation," seru Mark.
Mereka semua pun ikut memuji Jaemin karena bisa berpikir hingga sejauh itu. Johnny bahkan sudah menepuk-nepuk punggung lelaki itu dengan kuat, hingga membuatnya sedikit terjungkal.
"So we have to split all the ATCKers to find the core in each Territory," tambah Jaemin.
Taeyong mengangguk, "Yup! But that's the problem. Most of them are not in a good condition. We can't force them to do this mission,"
Kemudian semuanya kembali terdiam. Benar juga apa yang dikatakan Taeyong. Jika mereka memaksakan semuanya untuk ambil bagian, resikonya sangat besar.
Sedangkan jika mereka hanya mengikut sertakan para ATCKers yang masih dalam kondisi cukup baik, resikonya juga besar.
Lalu apa yang harus mereka lakukan?
"Oh! I think I saw something behind the paper tho'," kata Mark sambil mengambil kertas tadi dari meja Taeyong.
Ia membalik kertas itu dan benar saja. Di sudut kanan bawah, terdapat catatan kecil.
"You can start whenever you want. But if you want to get out from this game quickly, you must start soon, right?"
Setelah Mark membaca catatan kecil itu, mereka semua bisa bernapas lega. Setidaknya mereka bisa menunggu hingga keadaan ATCKers membaik.
"Great. We can wait for... A week? Is it too long?" kata Taeyong.
"I think it's enough," jawab Johnny sambil mengangguk kecil.
Taeyong mengangguk lagi, "I'll tell the Informant that we've got the mission. They can help us to find the core,"
"I think we should send some of us to go to the Territory. These descriptions must be the hint," usul Mark.
Seperti biasa, Taeyong menepuk tangannya sekali dan menatap semua yang ada di ruangan itu dengan senyum tipis.
"Okay I thinks that's all. Thanks for your help. Now you can go and have some rest,"
Mereka semua mengangguk dan satu persatu pergi meninggalkan ruangan Taeyong.
Ketika hampir semua keluar dari ruangan Taeyong, tiba-tiba lelaki itu mencegat beberapa orang.
"Except you guys,"
Orang itu menatap Taeyong yang tersenyum misterius. Dan mereka pun membalas senyum itu.
"I never know that you're still have mercy for them,"
"You must be kidding me,"
Taeyong tertawa, "So what? They're still a human being. I can't be that rude,"
"You right. Can't wait for the real war,"
"Soon we'll see it,"
Nah jadi, sebenernya mereka itu ngelawan siapa? :v awokawok
Thx for ur support, jaga kesehatan <3
Ohya, jangan lupa baca GOODBYE FOREVER ya :") kasian banget sepi kayak hati author
Fanfic[红] Second Book of ATTACK's Series "There always be a second chance. Can we save them?" Permainan ini belum selesai. Mereka masih memiliki kesempatan, untuk membawa teman mereka kembali. Tapi apakah benar itu tujuan utama dari permainan kedua ini? (...