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  It's silent, serene, cold and vacant. Late nights in this friendly neighborhood in the city is always calm and peaceful- a small, homey area.

  But, tonight is an exception.

  A young man with wavy, jet black hair glares daggers at the kneeled man- a gun aimed on the frightened male.

  "Please, have mercy," the man begs, pleading eyes staring at Chenle's hollow, unreadable ones and nonchalant expression.

  Another with brown hair and a cross drawn under his eyes steps forward and spitefully faces the man- crouching to meet his height. "Mercy? We gave you two months to pay and what did you do? Gamble."

  "I'm sorry! I didn't know what went through my heaㅡ"

  "You know what will go through your head? A bullet," Renjun threatens, gesturing towards Chenle's silent shooter. "You had a deadline and you passed over it."

  "A week- no, three days will be enough!" The hostage presses again.

  A scoff leaves Donghyuck as his lips pull up into a smug smirk. "Do you know why it's called a deadline? Because, it's a period of time before you're due. And you-" the smile instantly diminishes and his eyes darken.
"-are overdue."

  "Chenle," Jaemin signals and the younger readies his gun- a distinct click emitting.

  "Say hello to satan for me," Jaemin speaks, pococurante.

  Chenle slowly raises his gun.

  Meanwhile, three sisters walk out the convenience store with bags filled with their late night cravings- junk, 90% of it.

  "What should we watch tonight?" Jinae asks.

  Eun hums. "Whatever you guys wanna watch."

  A small, poof! is heard, accompanied by a yelp of pain before it all turns dead silent.

  "Did you hear that?" Sae hyun whispers, round eyes glancing around the dark streets- their apartment just across the road.

  Eun Ae nods. "It sounded like a dog! Did it get hurt? Oh no, we should check!"

  Her animal-loving trait surfaces as she rushes to the near alley. "Doggㅡ"

  Figure turns frozen and plastic bag slips.

  "Is it scary? What's wrong?" Jinae queries, rushing to her sister with Sae tailing but the scene unfolding in front, paralyzes them.

  Five boys stare at them, one having splotches of dark red on his face while foot is pressed against an inert body- lifeless, actually.

  And at that moment, the sister knew, they fucked up. They just witnessed a murder by a gang of undebatably handsome art statuesㅡ THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

  "Run," Sae mutters and they all dash.

  "Catch them," Jeno orders- worry absent as if he knew they could never flee from them.

  The girls' hearts are pounding crazily and the cold, night breeze grazes their skin as they race- until a fast silhouette passes them and halts in front of them.

  Unable to brake, they crash onto the tall boy's chest and before they can even squirm, needles are punctured into their necks- dissipating their energies.

  Leisure footsteps are heard and the five boys stand in front of the three unconscious damsels.

  "Good work, Jisung," Jeno praises tonelessly, eyes looking at the cheekily grinning boy.

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