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  Saehyun stands by the window, staring at the viewable gates outside like a hawk. Although, all she sees is mostly colours and patterns with them blurry eyes.

  "They left," she reports as the row of dark vans drive out before the gates shut.

  "Guard count?" Eunae asks, busily strapping a belt around her thigh.

  "There are two at each gate and considering there's one at every side then, eight guards at the exit way."

  The door swings open and Jinae walks in. "There are 4 figures downstairs and another 6 at the lowest- not including the two chefs who are in the kitchen."

  "Wait, why not?" Eunae asks and the younger shrugs with a suspicious, impish grin on her face.

  "Let's say I knocked them out, tied them and locked them in the pantry," Jinae answers and pulls out a folded, checkered handkerchief in her hand- rolling it out and lines of different knives and a lighter appear.

  "Nice!" Saehyun exclaims, picking them out before sliding them into the back of her belt.

  Now, all three have their own weaponry- Eunae's at the belt on her thigh, concealed by her long dress' skirt, Jinae's the same as hers and Saehyun's at her hip, hidden by her cardigan.

  "Okay, let's goㅡ"

  Eun stops her sentence midway when she swings the door open and sees Jaehyun outside.

  "What are you doing here?" Saehyun asks.

  Jaehyun smiles. "Taking you out."

  At that moment, the three sisters exchange looks, some showing obvious disgust while another is like, "uhhhhhhhh, whUt?"

  "No! I meant, escape!" Jaehyun whisper-shouts and they relax although, a bit distrustful after.

  Eunae crosses her arms. "And how are we supposed to trust you?"

  "You can fight, I know that. But, so does my brother. That's why he added these high-tech cameras that can emit signals only to the securities with a small walkie talkie thing when they detect certain faces."

  "We knew. We were planning to break them off by going to the blind spots or simply, cover-up our faces," Eunae answers coldly, still not trusting him.

  But instead, he grins, assured. "There may be an easier way than that. Because, I brought help."

  The cameras suddenly buzz dispiritedly and their blinking lights die as their heads hang down.

  Fast footsteps climb up the stairs and for the first time in long days, genuine smiles stretch on their faces.

  They approach the DREAM members, loosened up and emotional.

  "Did you miss me, tigress? Of course, I don't think you'll be able to forget my handsome face," Jaemin teases and grunts at the fierce punch to his stomach.

  Eunae scoffs. "Yeah, I did miss you."

  Jaemin looks at her with pain on his face but soon shows a relieved smile. "Maybe, it was me who couldn't forget about you."

  Donghyuck stares smugly at frozen Jinae. "I know, I'm gorgeousㅡ"

  She jumps onto him and hooks her arms around his neck with her head on his shoulder- standing on her toes to reach.

  Never in Hyuck's life did he think a hug could be the most important thing he actually needed, or is it the person?

  The latter sounds too cheesy so he's going with the first.

  "I missed you," she whispers with watery eyes, hug tightening and just as he's about to respond, she lets go to greet the others as well.

  "Nojam!" She squeals and hugs the older.

  "Jinae," he calls back, more calmer but his eyesmile flashes blindingly as he reciprocates the embrace.

  Donghyuck blinks, flabbergasted before he sighs heavily and going away to a corner to sulk.
  "Where's the rest?" Saehyun asks Renjun after sharing a short hug. She's never really up to physical contact.
  Renjun points at one of the dead CCTV. "Chenle's probably still in the monitor room, shutting them down and Jisung's gathering up the weapons from the securities we knocked out earlier.
  Maybe, you guys would wanna use them."

  Saehyun nods, about to respond butㅡ


  Not a minute later, armoured men march into the area they're at but what alarmed them more than the abrupt army is their own members- bleeding and battered.

  Both are unconscious but Jisung is significantly in a more terrible state.

  The bullet wound in his hip makes DREAM turn speechless and infuriated.

  "You really thought you could get away, huh?" Shinhyuk appears with a revolting, victorious smirk on his face.

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