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  Deafening silence roams the mansion in the late night.

  All but one asleep.

  Saehyun slips out her room and rushes down the stairs with soundless steps.

  She dashes swiftly, long hair flowing behind her before she makes a stop in front of a door- the hacking room.

  The lined, glowing CCTV monitors act as the light sources of the room and she seats herself on the comfy wheeled chair.

  Turning on the gadget, she skillfully manages to figure out the password- Chenle being the owner of it makes it easier to guess.

  With quick fingers, she types out codes and indistinguishable arrangements of letters in the web- accessing private files and confidential files of an institute.

  Her dark orbs focus on the screen, swiftly scanning the page and finds the two victims of self-destruction's profiles.

- Joined one year ago
- Recent case(s): 0
- Activity status: Idle

- Joined one year ago
- Recent case(s): 0
- Activity status: Idle

  Saehyun furrows. Just as she suspected, they were the moles and being held hostage made them take their own lives to protect information.

  The question is, which one? Were they more scared of spilling the FBI's info or the gang they were in?

  If it's the latter then, how scary is their gang?

  Realizing how risky it's getting, she quickly erases all history and shuts the computer off- quickly retreating to her room.


  "It's been a while and things have been real quiet," Renjun says during breakfast, uneasy. "It's really starting to bother me."

  Jisung blows his bangs away from his eyes. "Maybe, they gave up?"

  "Possible but I don't think so," Donghyuck responds.

  Chenle's eyes are stuck on his phone screen as he plays his game. "They probably felt threatened because we managed to throw down two of their best men."

  "How do you know they were the best?" Jisung asks.

  Chenle shrugs. "It was just a guess." 

  Jaemin has been staring out their window, admiring the fresh green grass and bright, welcoming sunlight.

  The gentle breeze and perfect weather can be felt even from inside.

  It brings him to the conclusion that it'll be regretful to just stay in when it's so perfect outside. 

  "Should we go out?" he blurts, gaining the others' attention. 

  Renjun furrows. "You mean, right now? During this time where we're under target of another gang?" 

  "We don't know when they're coming or if they're even coming at all. We've been staying in for a while and the weather's so perfect today to hang out. Besides, whoever tries to get in is just gonna get fried, anyways. We didn't get those electric gates for decoration," Jaemin persists. 

  Hyuck nods. "I have to agree with Jaemin. Time for some fresh air. Let off some steam and stress and maybe, you'll stop growing those grey hair." 

  Renjun touches his head, glaring at Donghyuck. 

  "Where are we gonna go?" Jisung asks. 

  Chenle raises his arm excitedly. "OOh! Why not an arcade! I wanna try the basketball game!"

  "What's wrong with yours here?" Jeno queries. 

  He shrugs. "Got bored with it." 

  Renjun raises his brows. "Got bored? It's literally a whole field??"

  "But, I want to eat somewhere." Jisung pouts. 

  "Then, the mall it is. They have both and more there," Hyuck says. 

  Jaemin stares at the stairs, pondering before speaking his thoughts. "Let's bring the girls." 

  "Are you sure they won't run away?" Chenle worries. 

  Renjun recalls back Jaemin's words and shakes his head. "They won't. Hopefully."

  Everyone turns quiet, suddenly thinking on what they will do if the other three actually do run away but Jeno decides to take the risk. 

  "Jisung, tell them to get ready."  

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