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  Jeno and Renjun flip through sheets of papers in their office, trying to figure out who this enemy is but find no lead whatsoever. 

  "Maybe, we crossed by someone's territory?" 

  Renjun shakes his head. "No. We fought the other gangs and claimed all the areas here. None of them would just suddenly, start up a fight like this to get back what was theirs without sending an official statement." 

  Jeno frowns, stressful before a light bulb lights up above his head. "Unless, if they didn't know. Check the surveillance cameras outside our borders, they might be gangs from far places." 

  Renjun cracks his knuckles and rolls his chair back to his computer- typing swiftly. He perks up. "Jeno, look. You're right. They're from far out." 

  The younger quickly joins- seeing the same car caught on their gate camera when they got shot on the screen, driving fast out of their little neighbourhood. 

  Renjun quickly checks something else, shocked at the data. "They've attacked all the other groups, they're now all inactive. We're the only ones left." 

  "They'll be shooting their guns soon, then. But before that, we'll be ready." 


  Few days passed and Saehyun is now awake, healing well- a big, cotton-ny plaster now at her head instead of heavy wraps of bandages. 

  She lies on the bed, busying herself with an outdated magazine that was randomly inside the room and leisurely dropping it down to her chest when knocks are heard on the door. 

  Jisung appears at the door, awkwardly standing. He blinks. 

  She does too. 

  He blinks again, shifting his eyes around and she blinks as well. 

  The silent, tense blinking continues due to their inability to properly interact and legend says they are still blinking until no—

  "So, what are you doing over there?" Sae breaks it.

  Huh, guess the legend was wrong.

  Jisung looks at himself. "I'm uh, standing."

  Saehyun purses her lips, both of them exchanging blinks again.
"Eeeeyyup! I can see that. But, why there? I mean, you tryna be my new door stopper or something?"

  She lets out awkward chuckles and Jisung realizes, quickly slipping into her room- face pressed into befuddlement as if questioning his own existence.

  "Sorry," Jisung hastily lets out, rubbing his nape. "Are you bored?"

  Saehyun shrugs. "I guess? I mean, reading a magazine from years way before I was born seems like the best and only option right now."

  "What? How did that even get hereㅡ Ah, must be from when Kun hyung was visiting. He's ancient," Jisung comments, not even joking about it and his serious expression makes it more hilarious.

  Saehyun joyfully laughs, eyes glittering and Jisung finds himself staring, adoring.

  "Okay, but really, why are you here?"

  He snaps out, finally hearing the other noises aside from hers.

  "Um, do you like games?"

  "I loVE gAmEs- depending on what it is. I don't actually like them much," Sae answers.

  Jisung frowns, trying to decipher her words.

  Does she like them or not? He is cOnfUSIOn.

  "Anyways, uh, so Chenle and I are playing a like, survival shooting game in the play room... Do you wanna watch?"

  Saehyun ponders before putting aside the magazine. "Sure."

  In all honesty, she's lazy to move from her bed and is already wondering if this is the right choice.

  She takes a step and abruptly trudges- guRl, irOn dEfICiEnCy.

  But an arm automatically coils around her waist, pulling her closer protectively.

  Saehyun restrains a gasp and looks up at Jisung who's gazing back at her- embarrassed but he puts on a charming, half smile to cover it up.

  "Don't worry, I'll escort you."

  The girl's heart leaps. Yup, this is definitely the right choice- probably the best out of all she's ever made.

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