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  Quickly after the patients are awake and well-rested, the boys get them checked out and head to their secret hideout.

  "Are you sure they won't find us here?" Chenle wonders.

  Renjun nods and takes out his burner phone to dial for some help in getting new transportations since theirs got all wrecked. "It's underground, their tracker won't work down here- the signals will get all messed up."

  "Well, that's that. Let's have dinner," Hyuck yawns. "I'm already getting sleepy."

  Saehyun walks into the kitchen- stopping at the door when she sees Jisung getting water for himself.

  She takes a deep breath and stretches a small smile. "Hey, Jisung."

  He whips his head at her instantly, recognizing her voice and just as how quick he was, he quickly got embarrassed as well. "H-hey."

  She stands beside him to take a glass for herself- glancing at the cast around his foot from his harsh landing from the bathroom small, square window.

  The memory of her life and death experience is still etched and vivid. She was conscious for only a moment but the impact is striking.

  "W-what do I do?" Jisung sobs as he wets the towel in the bathroom sink while Saehyun is leaning against the bathtub.

  Her eyelids flutter open and close desperately, still effected by the drug but she can still see blurry images of the figure crouching in front of her.

  She feels a damp cloth against her nose before the strong sobs and shaky breaths catch her attention.

  "What can I... what can I do?" Jisung cries and Sae feels a pair of dusty, trembling hands cup her cheeks- the touch is gentle yet, filled with heavy desperation and guilt.
"I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry, Saehyun."

  His voice breaks more and more with every word and they sometimes turn as faint as a whisper.

  Saehyun then, shuts down again.

  By the time she woke up, she was already on the hospital bed with wires and needles.

  "Saehyun? Aren't you gonna get water?" Jisung snaps her back to the present.

  She turns to him. During her brief consciousness in the fire accident, she couldn't really comprehend what was happening but when she awoke later on, then, she felt it- the pain reflected from Jisung's eyes, the agony, the desperation and the hopelessness of feeling that it was going to be his last day.

  The incomparable amount of care he presented towards her to the point he leaped out the window carrying her weight despite knowing the possibility of being a sacrifice for her- he could've been crushed.

  "Oh, S-Saehyun, why are youㅡ"

  Saehyun sucks in her breath and wipes her tears though they keep flowing more and more. "Thank you, Jisung. Thank you so much."

  She wraps her arms around him, head resting on his chest and his powerful, irrational heartbeat can be heard and felt so clearly- not that hers isn't the same.

  "And, I'm s-so sorry. You could've- In the f-fire, you could've gotten h-hurt when you saved me. One second late and you could'veㅡ" she gulps harshly, wailing at the thought and the near-death experience flashes in his eyes, filling him with the familiar terror.

  But now, it somehow feels bearable for him. He gazes down at the girl and wraps one arm around her waist while the other strokes her long hair.

  If he was to go through it again just to save her, he wouldn't give even a blink of hesitation.

  "It's okay. We're both here now, safe and sound," Jisung comforts. "It was my choice, anyways."

  She lets out a feeble, cough-like chuckle before pulling back a bit to raise her chin and look at him with a quivering smile as she tries to stop crying and he laughs at the sight- finding it funny.

  "Ow!" He pouts and rubs his arm- the girl only giving a glare saying, 'it's not funny.'

  "Hate to break it to you guys but, I have to ask you to have your date somewhere else. The kitchen is public property," Renjun abruptly breaks the fluffy mood.

  Chenle lets out a dolphin shriek behind him, ridiculing Jisung and Saehyun who are red with embarrassment.

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