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  Chenle walks into the dark alley, black mask, hood and cap all together to hide his face.
"Hey, you."

  The man he calls jolts in shock at his abrupt appearance. "What do you want?"

  "You've seen these guys before?" Chenle asks, showing the known Animus members' faces.

  "Nope," the man answers, lighting up his cigarette. "What's up with them, anyways?"

  "None of your business," Chenle snaps dramatically and flees out, instantly getting yanked by Renjun to the side when he got out.
  "What are you doing?" Renjun asks, frowning.

  Chenle reciprocates with a frown of his own. "Asking around for information, duh."

  "While looking like that?" Renjun points at his outfit.

  "I'm being lowkey!"

  "Lowkey means not attracting attention! Not dressing up like a drug dealer!" Renjun stresses. "Didn't you notice that police car have been following us for a while?"
  Chenle glances at the back and sees a a cop car, parked at the side of the street with its driver keeping an eye on them.

  Lele rolls his eyes. "Stalking much? Chile, anyways. I'm hungry, let's go eat."

  "Why do I feel like everytime we try to end a conversation with something, we go to eat?" Jeno mentions.

  Jaemin shrugs. "Maybe, because the author's run out of creative juices."

  "What?" Jisung looks at him.

  "What, what? Did I say something?" Jaemin looks at the rest.

  Renjun pats his shoulder as he walks by. "You need to lay off the caffeine."

  "It's been a whole week since we last saw them," Hyuck sighs, hands in his hoodie's pockets. "It stresses me out."

  "Whatever the case is, we need to follow what Jaehyun said," Renjun says. "The last time we didn't stay lowkey after he said that, the person we asked for information was found dead the next day. Not that I liked him anyways, he was a prick."

  Jisung flinches when a raindrop touches his cheek and he looks up, seeing the white, fluffy clouds turn grey and heavy.
"I just hope they're okay."


  Shinhyuk brushes Eun's stray strands of hair away. "I'm heading in for a bit, okay? Stay here."

  Eunae smiles through her gritted teeth. "Okay."

  He parts from the girls, leaving them at the mansion's vast garden field and Eunae instantly exhales heavily.
"I am DiSgUstEd!"

  Jinae and Saehyun who are wandering around the flower bushes shiver, feeling the same just by seeing them.

  "I just hope we're doing the right thing," Saehyun says.

  "Well, things seem to get better after we followed that Jaehyun guy's note, though. We get more freedom around here, but still, trapped in," Jinae states. "Maybe, he's just helping us to keep safe."

  Prior to a week ago;
  Jaehyun brushes against Jinae's chair and she looks up at him at the sudden note that got thrown onto her lap.

  He spares no glance.

  When Shinhyuk starts talking to him, Jinae unsuspectingly looks down, unfolding the note.

  'gain his trust.'

  Saehyun frowns at a memory. "I still remember that cold, metal room he put us in when we tried to fight him. It was practically inescapable. We couldn't hear a single sound from outside all I could remember upon going out was locked gate doors, passcodes, more locked gate doors, passwords."

  Eunae stirs her tea. "Do you remember what Jaehyun said, though? About how he told DREAM to stop their search on us or something."

  "No, he said debilitate. It means weaken," Jinae corrects, brushing the petals of the blooming buds.

"Alright, Shakespeare, whatever you say,"  Saehyun retorts.

  Jinae furrows. "Shakespeareㅡ"
  "Why would he tell them to do that, though? Finding us faster would be better before Shinhyuk gets his men all trained and perfect," Eunae mentions. "They've been training here for a while and their shouts are making me lose my mind."

  "His security around this place is tight. Both the people and gadgets. Even we have a hard time thinking of how to escape. Just a step out the bedroom and the securities are already flocking like paparazzi," Jinae sighs, frustrated.

  A pair of feet stomp down the stairs and the three turn to see Shinhyuk with his phone on his ear.

  "Prepare enough cars. The whole team will be heading out tomorrow for some fresh weapons. Leave a few men for the girls' security- make sure they don't escape. Good."

  He hangs up and the girls quickly go back to their own businesses.

  So him and his team are leaving tomorrow, huh?

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