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!! warning, subtle provocative acts !!

  Jinae awakes at the bright sunlight filtering through the golden curtains around her and she rubs the sleep off her eyes.

  Still a bit drunk with sleepiness, she casually swats the curtains away before climbing out- spotting a small bowl of mints and she "ooh's."

  Popping one into her mouth, she starts to head to the window, wanting to draw the curtains slightly to restrict more light when a ray abruptly attacks her eyes and she winces, stumbling back.

  A hammer of realization plummets on her head when she's fully awake.

  She rolls on her stomach before quickly hopping on her legs- frantically whipping her head side to side.

  It's a bedroom- and it's obviously not hers.

  Her hands automatically fly to her chest, making sure her clothes are still there when the door clicks.

  Donghyuck walks in, towel hung around his neck, covering his chest yet his broad back is widely exposed. He obliviously pulls on his belt, tightening it around his waist and the metal buckle clinks.

  Freshly washed hair is still damp and dripping with water, trickling down to his neck and further to his shimmering, golden skin.

  He takes off the towel and Jinae tries to squeak, remind him of her presence but her breath gets stuck in her throat.

  Donghyuck starts to dry his hair, the rings pierced into his lip and slit brow glimmer under the sunlight- Jinae slowly melting in a puddle at the sight.

  Then, he finally turns to the girl that's gradually evaporating from her liquid state.

  "Didn't know you were the sly type, kitten," Donghyuck rasps out, morning voice still lingering.

  Jinae ferociously shakes her head, words still stuck and Hyuck notices her hands positioned as an 'X' on her chest- her actually already forgetting about it due to panic.

  Her black, sleeveless crop top now exposed after she threw off her leather jacket the night before in her sleep.

  And her black cargo pants only reach her waistline- stomach exposed.

  A glint flashes in his eyes and he nears her dangerously.

  She backs up, body abruptly hitting the closet- eyes instantly widening.

  A scoff from him makes her heart lurch.

  "Would you look at that, you put yourself in a risky spot, kitten," Donghyuck whispers, crouching down to match her height.

  The daunting and amorous look in his eyes as well as their positions clearly show their roles, predator and prey.

  His half-lidded eyes rake up and down her figure as his tongue plays with the lip ring. The corner of his lips rises into a coquettish smirk.

  "So, why don't we have a little bit of fun?" He slurs, tone dripping with seduction and Jinae feels butterflies raging in her stomach.

  She quickly holds her hands out, feet ready to kick his torso off to Hawaii and eyes screw shut.

  Donghyuck halts, amused at her reaction when a sudden thought hits him.

  His built build is outrightly hovering over her smaller one and his face is only inches away.

  His own heartbeat starts to reverberate in his ears as his eyes involuntarily scan her appearance, suddenly feeling a strong sensuous temptation.

  Jinae briefly snaps backwards when her leather jacket is hurled onto her chest.

  "Hurry, we're going back," he mumbles, almost indecipherable and Jinae watches as he takes a shirt from a separate drawer- back facing her.

  Hastily, she wears her layer and steps towards the open door when she unwillingly spins- slamming against the door, making it shut.

  Donghyuck tightly latches onto her shoulder blades and whatever situation it is, her leg is still ready to kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

  His breaths are shaky and heavy, as if he's suppressing something- anger, stress, frustration, what is it? Why does he look so distressed?

  Jinae turns into stone when his fingers grip her chin, forcing her to look at him in the eye.

  "You're an innocent little kitten, aren't you?" He whispers lowly and it feels like a giant centipede just crawled down her spine.

  Instead of answering, she sucks her bottom lip slightly, offering moisture from being too dry at the intensity.

  Donghyuck's brows narrow, glaring at her lips- pierced ring sparkling from the light before he huffs, storming away from the girl.

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