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"ALright, ALrIGhT, CALM DOWN," the host appears after a while of enjoying the show. "What is going on here? You guys aren't even supposed to join."

He approaches the three girls who's already exhausted from all the fighting but their blood is still boiling from the adrenaline.

Thus, explains the glares on both Eun's and Saehyun's faces while Jinae is poking the guy she just knocked out- ensuring he's alive.

"This is a battle for the gangs," Demien states.

Hyuck scoffs, flicking the tip of his tongue to lick off the blood at the corner of lips- a souvenir from his own fight when he tried to 'borrow' a man's fedora hat.

He chuckles airily, putting on a sloven grin. "I think, they were more worthy than the gangs, though."

Demien scans the lumps of fallen gangs, their figures limp and some probably need a bottle of ointment... or two or three.

He clears his throat that suddenly, became constricted and dry. "You got a point but, rules are still rules."

"What if we were to say that these girls are apart of us?" Renjun suggests and all attention goes to him.

Jeno nudges him and whispers, "What are talking about?"

"Just trust me," Injun whispers back and takes a closer step to the host.

Demien ponders. "Then, it won't be an issue. Because, it'll just be an act of them proving their worth of respect. But, that is, if they are apart of the gang...?"

He turns questioningly to the three girls who are exchanging glances between themselves before at Renjun.

The latter pleads with his eyes and Sae slowly nods. "Uh, yes. We are."

Demien raises his brows. "Oh. Everything's settled, thenㅡ"

"Now, that that fact's clear, I'm gonna remind everyone of the most important rule in the mafia rulebook," Renjun announces, for some reason standing on the podium dramatically.

All awake eyes are set on him.

"Rule number whatever it is; The act of kidnapping, stealing or holding a member(or more) of other gangs as hostage is strictly forbidden. Thus, those who break the law are to be turned against and punished by bringing them to battle until the taken member(s) are returned.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk," Renjun speaks sternly and steps off.

Others confusedly chatter at his sudden so-called tedtalk.

Jisung furrows and turns to Jaemin. "Which rule is that? All I read is pouring cups of flour into a bowl with melted butter or something."

Jaemin looks at him, sighs and patiently strokes the young's head. "What you read is a cookbook, my child. Not a rulebook."

Jisung gapes and eyes are wide, just like a fish- genuinely appalled.

"Ya! Zhong Chenle!" He shouts in embarrassment because Chenle was in fact, the one who gave the book to him.

But their game of tag is cancelled when the sprinklers abruptly go off.

People instantly rush out, not wanting to get drenched and DREAM wait right outside the door for their three 'new members.'

"Did they go out, yet?" Jaemin asks, shaking his head to rid of the water from his slightly damp hair.

"It was a false alarm, everyone! Someone must've been smoking again and triggered the sensors," Demien reports, jogging out the mansion with his wet coat hanging on his arm.

Jeno furrows and combs his soaked, dark hair back to scan the crowd. "They're not here... They're gone!"

He shoves through the crowd at the realization and the other members tail behind.

Renjun, however, stayed behind when he catches a ringtone.

Demien stands behind a wall at the corner, hidden from the public but not completely undetectable.

Injun sticks to the wall, hearing his faint, distant mumbles turn loud and lucid.

"I had to tell him that you were the one behind it but, it's not like he'll be able to find you, anyways," Demien speaks to the phone and lets out an arrogant, almost irritatingly content chuckle.
"They're all busy with finding the girls right now. Just do your thing and continue to drive. Go as far as possible. Yeah, mhm."

Renjun's fist clenches fiercely, fingers and palm turning white.

He hears a beep- the call ended and he turns in a flash, slamming the host back with a bone-cracking choke by the neck. "Tell me where they took them or I'll rip your tongue out."

His tone is brittle and cold, slicing through Demien's tough persona and the rekindling spark in Renjun's malevolent eyes act as a countdown before he's tossed into his deathbed.

Demien lets out a hoarse croak when Renjun tightens his grip, restraining himself from crushing his neck right then and there.


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