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  "Wow, you all bought ice-cream," Chenle gasps when the boys meet up with the three girls after renting some bicycles to ride around the park.

  Jinae shakes her head, already finished with her mini cup of dessert and throws it into the trash- the rest following suit.

  "We got them for free from that worker over there," she tells and points at the food truck owner who's already closing as the sky turns darker. "In celebration for the park's 10th year anniversary."

  "Oh, no wonder we could rent these bikes for free," Jeno tells.

  Eunae hears a chime and she turns to Jaemin.

  He gives a lopsided smile and pats the seat behind him on the double-rider bicycle- she joins.

  Jeno and Chenle are already cycling on their solo bikes while, Renjun is still adjusting on his double-rider one- just about to call Sae when Jisung halts him.
  "Can I have this one?" Sungie asks, wanting to trade their rides and Renjun grins teasingly- knowing about their maknae's little crush on Sae.

  The older male chimes the bell after trading with Jisung and heads to Jeno and Chenle who are waiting for the rest up front.

  "Saehyun," Jisung nervously calls and the girl gives her attention. "Do you wanna ride with me?"

  She smiles, actually glad that he's her partner and slips onto the seat behind him. "Sure."

  A blush creeps on their cheeks as they peddle away.

  Jinae turns to Hyuck who's already waiting for her with crossed arms and an arched brow- a smile of mischief playing on his lips.

  She hops onto her seat with a soft grin of her own when he suddenly, peddles forward and she crashes against his back.

  "Hey!" She complains and Hyuck chuckles before they peddle in sync.


  Click, clock, click, clock.

  The car sounds when Jaemin pulls down the arrow lever- signalling to the right.

  He glances at the head mirror to see the sleeping Eunae and Jinae while Chenle is starting to nod off.

  Renjun sits on the passenger's seat, scrolling on his phone and they arrive at their abode- gate automatically sliding open for them.

  "Saehyun. Saehyun, wake up, we're here," Jisung nudges the girl and she remains passed out.

  "Just carry her. We don't wanna wake them up," Jaemin speaks up and Jisung turns to him- seeing Eunae already on his back while Hyuck is carrying Jinae out of the car and into his arms.

  Jisung gulps, nervous but slips his arm behind her back and under her knees, hoisting her up before pulling her out.

  "Hey, wake up," Renjun pats Chenle's cheek and the younger whines.

  "Why can't you carry me like the girls are carried?"

  Renjun rolls his eyes. "Enjoy sleeping in the car."

  Lele awakes abruptly when Injun starts to shut the door.


  The door emits faintly when Jisung swings it open.

  He winces, quickly checking if Sae's awake and sighs when she continues to stay unconscious.

  After gently laying her on the bed, pulling off her shoes and pulling up the covers to her chest, he turns to leave but pauses at the door.

  "Goodnight, Saehyun," he whispers and closes the door extremely slow.

  The clock on the wall of the hallway ticks by and it resonates around the silent home- all figures doing their own activities in their room, some sleeping, some still awake.

  But a blaring alarm cracks the quiet and all the boys rush out their rooms in panic when the pungent scent of burning hits.

  "What's happening?" Chenle muffles out, sleeve pressed against his nose and mouth.

  Five of them are gathered at the living room when Renjun dashes to them with his tablet in hand- showing the crisis on screen.
"There's a fire and it's spreading fasㅡ"

  A deafening explosion erupts in their dining room and they all go smashing against the wall on their backs from impact.

  Fits of cough and pained groans fill the air other than the crackling and blinding smoke.

  The spreading, raging fire from the dining room now reaching further away and the boys hastily escape from their spots before they get incinerated.

  "The girls," Jaemin brings up with a face of realiza and the rest all have their eyes wide in horror- the panic making them all forget for a moment.

  "GUYSㅡ" Renjun shouts when Jaemin, Donghyuck and Jisung start racing up the stairs- dodging all the obstacles.

  "Meet us outside and call the ambulance!" Donghyuck shouts and the ones downstairs do as he says.

  Jisung huffs, feeling suffocated and his eyes water from the smoke and flying dusts.

  He shakes Saehyun aggressively, begging for her to wake but to no avail- she's still dead asleep.

  Jisung grunts, throat getting scratchy as he brings her into his arms but just when he reaches the door, a giant debris crashes in his way- blocking him from escaping.

  "HYUNG! JAEMIN HYUNG! DONGHYUCK HYUNG!" He shouts out with his every might but the other two don't manage to hear and they just dash down with Eunae and Jinae in their tight holds.

  Jisung panics, worried and disoriented and jumps back when the fire starts to reach the door.

  He pants and wheezes while frantically looking around the huge room, trying to find an escape way but the windows are bulletproof which makes it impossible to shatter without getting them burned first.

  His eyes turn glossier by the second but this time, it's not from the smoke, or the dust or even, the fire.
  With shaky breaths, he gazes down at the girl and he pulls her closer, tighter and into a desperate hug.

hey, fruitloops!! ❤️ so this is extremely longer than the rest but i hope you enjoy!! 🥺💖 i just want to apologize for not being so active, it's because this month has been busy for me and i'm exhausted ㅠ-ㅠ

and thank you for staying despite my inconsistent updates (sometimes, none at all, i'm sorry 😭) and have great days ahead of you!! ❤️

moon 🌙

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