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  "Have you always been doing this?" Eunae asks when she and Jaemin are lounging in the living room in the morning. 

  Jaemin tosses a thick, caramel coated popcorn into his mouth. "What?" 

  "You know what I'm talking about," she states, turning to him and Jaemin inhales- facing her too. 

  He stares into her eyes directly, no hesitation. "For as long as I remember, yes. I've always been doing this. So have the rest." 

  Jaemin leans back onto the couch, focusing on the television but she keeps her gaze. 

  A complacent smirk appears on his face. "If you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to get the wrong idea."  

  She shakes her head. "Oh, sorry. It's just- why? Why would you do this?" 

  His playfulness diminishes as his eyes bore into hers. Unlike before, they're shifty and uncertain but they turn confident again- a scoff leaving. "You're asking me all these questions so leisurely. Aren't you afraid, tigress?" 

  Eunae blinks, briefly looking down before back up. A half-hearted smile on her lips. "Well, if it's about the fear of my death then, I guess, I am. But, no matter how much I think about it, dying won't make anything different for me, anyways." 

  Jaemin furrows. "You don't value your life?" 

  "I do but, just as I said before, living or dying won't be so different for me. No one really waits for my arrival out there and I'm not really waiting for anyone either. Our parents left us when we were young- murdered, actually. 
  The killer got away and was never found. I want to but, they might even be dead by now.
  I think the whole death situation brought us down because we got really quiet after that- spent most of our time in therapy and isolation.
  We threw our school life away just like that and we can never get back to it.
  So, we have no friends or companions, other than ourselves and each other. The ones we know are only work acquaintances.
  I guess, that's why I tend to just say things when I want to sometimes, because we're not always promised tomorrow," Eun pours out her sincere feelings without her even noticing and it stabs Jaemin deeper than he thought he could be. 

  The OST of the drama plays and she lifts her head to it. "Oh, shoot! I talked too much and now we missed the ending." 

  She lifts up the remote, making sure that the recording is saved in the library. 

  Jaemin's hand gently pats her head and she looks at him with a minute of surprise- a small smile stretches on his face. "You have us now."

  Eyes constantly shift from hers to her luscious lips, the sight tempting him and he finds himself staring- silently, gradually leaning in. 

  The TV suddenly, emits a tune as it informs the next show playing and Jaemin snaps- realizing the almost non-existent gap in between them. Almost. 

  Hastily, he pulls away, giving only a second glance at her awestruck self before standing and ambling away wordlessly- gulping and clenching his jaw to hide his fluster and the fluctuating beats of his heart.

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