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  "You're just in time," Jeno says while opening the door for Jaehyun to come in.

  "Thanks for inviting," Jaehyun smiles, dimples showing and sees Yoonie running to him. He crouches and lets her jump onto his arms. "And, thanks for babysitting."

  Jeno nods. "No problem."

  He welcomes Jaehyun and his wife in before locking the door.

  "Does she still call Jisung papa?" Jae asks and Jeno chuckles. 

  "Yup. Ever since she watched NannyMcPhee  with him and Saehyun, she's been calling him papa. After all, he is her favourite." 

  Not a moment later, the door bell rings again and Chenle welcomes TXT in. 

  "Ooh, candy cane!" Huening exclaims with glittery orbs and Lele gives him one unenthusiastically before fainting on the couch again. He, very much, adores his sleep. 

  But, unfortunately, gets smacked to consciousness again by an overly playful Jinae who's excited by the merry mood.

  Now, DREAM and TXT aren't as vicious as they were before in gang activities.

  Instead, they both own astronomical and renowned companies and are collaborating with one another in their businesses. 

  Jaehyun, on the other hand, is the CEO of 127 Enterprises and staying on the safe side considering he now has a family of his own with his own child, just like how he wanted. 

  Meanwhile, the three sisters have resigned from their FBI posts. Figuring out who the murderer of their parents was turned out to be more simpler than they thought when they found out that he had actually, been caught. 

  It was difficult at first because they didn't expect the criminal to actually be imprisoned, although, it wasn't for murder but drug trafficking. Either way, they're glad that they finally know the mystery behind the murder. 

  He was just being the typical petty thief but with more skill considering how he almost left no crumbs of him committing the crime and killed their parents because they tried to fight back. Almost

  So, now, their life with DREAM is as peaceful and blissful as ever.

  Though, the rebellious adrenaline comes back every once in a while when they decide to go on gang activities as the modern Robin Hood and it feels as fun as ever.  

  "Movie time!" The maknaes shout when dinner is over and they all gather at the majestic living room. 

  They decide to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and just fill their tummies up more with snacks. 

  Everyone is warmed up, some under their blanket forts, some cuddling on the couches while some are literally just sandwiching one another. 

  Donghyuck and Jinae sit on the couch near the TV, watching intently- well, Jinae is.

  Her boyfriend prefers to lock her in his arms, face buried in the crook of her neck with his thumb softly caressing her nape endearingly- humming a lullaby as he basks in her presence. 

  After losing her once, he's been so protective and clingy than he was ever before. Sometimes, even getting nightmares about her getting hurt again.

  But, every single time he wakes up crying and broken, she's always there to kiss his tears away and build him back up again. 

  And he never wishes to trade her for anyone else.

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