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  Jeno observes as the three inert figures are put into the trunk of their car. "Tie them up. We don't want them kicking around if they wake up."

  The trunk slams shut.

  Their hostages can probably die from the lack of oxygen scrunched up inside but in all honesty, these bad boys don't care.

  They just didn't want to get more blood in their hands. If the girls do die well then, their logic says nature did it.

  Hyuck's hand grips onto the steering wheel and his foot stomps onto the pedal- tires abruptly screeching before it shoots forward like a flash.


  Small, faint breathing fills the room as three sleeping girls are supine on the chilly, cement ground.

  Eunae gasps, jolting awake and she quickly sits up- flinching at the cold and she stares at the reflection of the lit bar lamp on the smooth, shiny grey floor.

  Panic fills her and she stumbles to the metal door at the corner, involuntarily checking whether it's locked or not before taking feeble steps backwards.

  Obviously, it is.

  Her hands clasp her mouth when she recalls fragments of the crime scene she witnessed and the sharp stab on her neck.

  Fingers subconsciously trace her throat before she spins towards her snoring sisters.

  "Wake up! Wake up, you fools!" She whisper-shouts and the youngest groans at the insult.

  "I'm a clown not a fool, respect the differences please," Jinae yawns- bun messy and unruly.

  "Shh, look around!"

  Sluggishly, the other scans her surroundings- eyes turning wide as saucers in alert. "Where are we?"

  "Damn it, they took my boba," Saehyun sighs in irritation. "Wait a minute, we're kidnapped."

  "Yes, we are. So now, Beast is gonna knock that door and invite us for dinner," Eun sarcastically responds.


  "cAn wE bE sEriOus fOr ONe moMenT?" Jinae stresses- keeping her voice low.

  Their heads whip to the door at the sudden click of it unlocking.

  Shuffles are heard before a shadow cast on the girls' closed eyelids- feigning unconsciousness.

  "Shouldn't the drug wear off by now?" Jaemin asks. "What did you give?"

  "The usual. Maybe, they've got weaker immune system or something," Jisung answers, eyes scanning the immobile figures.

  Internally, they're already digging up a hole with their hearts banging against their ribcages.

  "...Huh. Let's check again after half an hour," Jaemin suggests and their shadows stray while footsteps are heard distancing- the shut of the door heard last.

  Seconds pass and the girls still lay silently with eyes closed- fighting the fear crawling under their skin that's urging them to open their eyes from anxiety.

  "Are they gone?" Eunae sounds.

  Sae gulps. "Seems like it."

  Their lids fly open and they sit up, almost having a cardiac arrest at the sight of two stoic men leaning against the far opposite wall.

  "Sneaky little misses," Jaemin chuckles resonantly. "Just not enough."

  Limbs are trembling and throats are dry for the girls as the other two near them.

  Jaemin notices the unfaltering grip they have around each other's arms and his brow arches, silver piercings glinting under the bright light.
"Separate them."

  Grunts and yelps of resistance escape them as Jisung tries to pull away the one nearest.

  Eun growls, glaring before slapping Jisung's large hand away from clasping her younger sister's arm.
"If you ever so touch her again, I will rip your arms off."

  Her comment makes Jaemin stifle a laugh. "Feisty. Never thought, we'd ever catch one."

  Jaemin steps closer. Greenish-blue hair swaying slightly as he bends- his face and Eunae's only inches away.

  Lips upturn at the sight of her unchanging angry mien. "Aww, that's sweet of you trying to protect your sister. But, under this roof, our rules aren't meant to be broken, tigress."

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