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  "This goes here and... ugh, FUXK IT!" Chenle curses, frustrated by the lack of information and slams his fist onto the coffee.

  "Language," Jaemin comments, passing by him with a bowl of cereal.

  "I can't find anything!" Chenle stresses, now whining and shaking his body furiously.

  "Calm down. You won't be able to see anything if you're that stressed. Rest for a bit," Jaemin says. "Here, have some cereal."

  "I heard a profanity so, I join," Hyuck appears. "Who do we curse at?"

  "We're not cursing at anyone. Just trying to find and leads to Animus." Renjun walks into the living room, his own tablet with him.

  Jeno steps in as well, holding his phone in hand. "One of our old clients wants to meet up. Said that he might have something that'll interest us."

  "Where?" Renjun asks.

  "Just at a nearby hotel since apparently, he's going to be travelling soon," Jeno tells.

  Jisung purses his lips, nose scrunched and brows furrowed in distrust. "Can we believe him? Have you checked, hyung?"

  "I did. Everything seems clean but, it's not like things can't be fabricated so we'll be extra careful," Jeno suggests.

  "Ah, also, what happened to Demien?" Chenle asks and everyone turns to Renjun.

  He shrugs. "The usual."

  "You shot him? In the head?"

  Renjun frowns at Chenle. "No. I spared him and now, he's decided to make his gang our fanclub while wearing cringy butler outfits to serve us as the 'majesties' we are."

  "Sarcastic, much?" Hyuck rolls his eyes.

  Chenle nods vigorously. "But, it doesn't seem like a bad idea."

  "We leave in half an hour," Jeno announces, looking at his ticking watch.


  The air conditioned lobby freezes the DREAM team and they scan the area for their client.

  A man not much older than them is seen sitting cross-legged, eyes stuck to his phone.

  "Ahem," Jaemin clears his throat. "Jung Yoon-Oh."

  Yoon-Oh lifts his head, showing his stone cold expression and lines of ring piercings on his slit brow.
  But a warmth suddenly radiates when he smiles. "Please, just call me Jaehyun."

  "A member of 127," Chenle realizes. "wHat?"

  "We didn't wanna tell you earlier considering how some of us are a bit hot-hea and refuses to even look at another gang without thrusting a fork into their throats," Renjun emphasizes, referring to Lee Donghyuck who's already irritated at the sight of Jaehyun.
  Jaehyun grins kindly. "I understand. You've obviously lost trust considering what happened to your three newest members but, they are exactly the reason I came today." 

  They head into a private VIP lounge before their meeting.

  "Hyunshik is my younger brother," Jaehyun suddenly says and the members gape.

  "Wait- how? Then, why are you not a part of the gang?" Chenle asks.

  Jaehyun's lips pull into a bittersweet. "My little brother has always been competitive and... rapacious. We were never really in good terms because instead of a brother, he saw me as a sworn rival.
  "But, I saw him as more than that. So, when our father promised wealth to whoever took his throne, I, naturally ceded the position to my brother."

  The DREAM members stay silent, letting the older express his gloom when Hyuck abruptly clicks his tongue.

  "And so?" He blurts and Renjun stomps on his foot, making him squeak.
"yOu BItCㅡ"

  Jaehyun chuckles. "No, he's right. I'm wasting time here. What I wanted to say is, my brother may seem like a spoiled brat because that's exactly right but, he's not completely terrible.
"He's not a fan of murder. He won't kill people- not unless they're obstacles. So, the girls are still alive and I know, you're trying to find them but, I suggest you all to stay lowkey."

  "Lowkey?" Jeno repeats, slightly agitated but quickly softens his tone when he realizes it's harder than he intended.
"What do you mean?"

  "Are you saying we shouldn't search?" Hyuck squares up, glowering at the 'client.'

  Jaehyun shakes his head. "No, I meant, just do it silently, without the help of other gangs or like, asking the people around. I know, it's part of the gang law that they are worthy to be hunted downI but it'll only make things easier for my brother to detect you.
  "And once he knows, he may feel like you're threatening his power and might hurt the girls from rage instead."

  "His brother's a fuxking psycho," Chenle gasps silently but it's impossible when it comes to his loud ass voice and Renjun nudges him.

  The room returns to silence again as they all process Jaehyun's suggestion, having to agree.


  "Well, there goes the rain. There's gonna be traffic then and it'll take a while for our ride to come," Jaemin says, feeling the cold droplets splash on hid palm.

  "Let's eat," Jisung suggests.

  Renjun looks around, brows arching in surprise. "So, the shop was here? Ya, let's go there."

  The members turn to him as he nears a classy and sophisticated shop.

  "Renjun-ah, which restaurant is..." Donghyuck trails off when he reads the label- the other members having the same reaction behind him.

  "Maid cafe?? Didn't know you like this type of stuff," Jaemin says and Renjun rolls his eyes before entering.

  Ring! Ring!

  The bells notify their arrival and the workers appear- DREAM members (except, for Renjun) have their jaws hanging.

  "It's a butler cafe, by the way," Injun corrects and a butler approaches him.

  "Welcome, your majesties!" He greets passionately.

  "Demien??" Chenle blurts at the proudly grinning worker. "hOw?"

  "I told you already. I spared him so now he's our fan," Renjun states.

  "It was real??" The members yell, shocked.

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