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  The clock strikes midnight and most of the boys are already gone, off to their own bedrooms in the HQ because their rich little asㅡ butts can afford that.

  Eunae is asleep ever since earlier and Jaemin brought her with him. Saehyun is dozed off on the sofa bed, a fluffy blanket on top of her.

  Jinae is awake, but worn out and is swaying from side to side. Jolting every once and then to wake herself up.

  Donghyuck parks the hoverboard at the corner, tired from spinning around and turns to the half-asleep maiden.

  Letting out an airy chuckle as she cups her cheeks- squishing them and trying to stay awake but eyes are already closing.

  The idea of sleeping in front of the gang members being too uncomfortable for her.

  "I'm hitting the sack," Donghyuck tells and Jisung nods, focused on his game. 

  Hyuck walks past the drowsy girl before reversing. "You sleepy?" 

  She jolts and whips her head to him, the quick action making her somnolent body to lean to the ground- slipping off the bench but Hyuck quickly catches. 

  Jinae easily gets lifted to her feet by Donghyuck and she dozily flutters her lids at him, awake one second and unconscious at the next- the past few days of improper sleep finally giving effect. 

  "Hey, wake up, pipsqueak," Donghyuck shakes her shoulders and she jolts, waking up- only to black out again. 

  Donghyuck looks around the room, the couches are occupied by Jisung and Saehyun, bench has no soft layer whatsoever and Jisung'll probably head to his own room soon. 

  He looks down at the girl in his hands. For now... maybe she can sleep in his bed. 

  Smoothly, he lifts the girl in his arms, carrying her bridal style before escorting her to his room- the girl already lethargic and asleep to notice. 

  Her body is gently laid down and she quickly recognizes the comfort of the soft, thick mattress- mind telling her that it's a bed and she subconsciously searches for a blanket. 

  She instantly buries herself under his covers, his scent filling her nose but is isn't the slightest bit bothered. In fact, she's indulging herself in it. 

  Donghyuck shakes his head, smiling subtly before heading to his closet to get his duvet.

  A rustle makes him turn and he stifles a laugh when she kicks the blanket off, practically sending it to the Atlantic Sea before using it again, only letting one foot out. 

  He nears the bed and observes as her furrowed bros start to relax, showing her comfort and he pulls the golden, translucent curtains of the bed, protecting her inside. 

  Soundlessly, he ambles to the door and he gives one last look. "Goodnight, pipsqueak." 

  The door clicks close and he lets out a yawn- heading to the living room. Jisung is still awake, gaming profusely and Donghyuck rolls his eyes. "Hey, fetus, don't stay up too late." 

  "Okay, hyung," Jisung replies with zero sincerity. 

  Donghyuck lays on the thin mattress he spread on the bench, cringing at the hard surface of the wood still poking onto his back but pulls up his covers anyway. 

  Thoughtlessly, he stares at the ceiling- train to Dreamland approaching gradually and brings him to the world of dreams.

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