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  "We actually, planned on killing her too. She said it was going to be a fight to the death and yet, she didn't intend to actually, kill us. We saw her injury and realized that she meant her death. I guess, that made us not want to kill her, either.
  "She could've finished us with her gun, we knew how talented she was, considering how she sent the van in front of us rolling down the hill. And, yet, she still wanted to keep us alive. It's kind off stupid, if you ask me. Because, if we weren't such nice people, she would've died terribly," Soobin recalls back what happened that day. 

  "How did she lose her memories, though?" Renjun asks,  turning to the medic door briefly and sees Saehyun and Eunae accompanying their sister who is still overwhelmed and unconscious on the bed. 

  Suddenly, one of the former members of HELL-O (now members of their own independent gang called TXT), Huening, rubs his nape, chucking nervously. "Uh, that might be my fault... I kind of panicked when she got close and might've hit her head too hard with my bat." 

  "You WHA—" Donghyuck starts, popping off his seat but Jaemin holds him back, reminding him that TXT are in fact, the ones who saved her. 

  "I'm sorry!" He brings his palms together and Hyuck slowly sits back down, eyes locked on him.

  Donghyuck crosses his arms, a slight frown on his face. "....Thank you, for bringing her back."

  The TXT members look up at their seniors. They didn't know who the members of DREAM were and information on them was non-existent, that's why they couldn't return Jinae. But, TXT does know about how vicious and heartless DREAM is. 

  If you get tied up in trouble with them, best hope that you'll still be alive by sundown. 

  But, seeing them up close now, in their rainbow-coloured volunteer aprons like teletubbies, DREAM is actually, nice and it's surprising after hearing about how merciless they are. 

  Like, here Chenle is, wiggling like a fish out of water after the kids pulled him (a.k.a.the dolphin) out of the aquarium (a.k.a.the sandbox). 

  "You're welcome," Taehyun smiles. "We grew close to her too and it was fun having a new friend around."

  Yeonjun nods soundlessly, just a smile on his face.

  A thought suddenly, crosses Jeno's mind. "Ah, right. What happened to Shinhyuk?"

  TXT exchange glances before chuckling while some just grin contentedly. 

  "We-" Soobin stops and acts out a neck-slicing gesture, clicking his tongue. "That wacko's gone now." 

  Satisfied, smug reactions surface on DREAM's face. They knew it would happen sooner or later. But this quick? Wicked. 

  Jaehyun must've been grieving, though. 

  Jaemin ponders, thoughts swirling in his head. "Would you like to have dinner with us? As a thank you for saving Jinae. I'll invite Jaehyun, Shinhyuk's brother, too. You guys can tell him about what happened." 

  "He has a brother?? Oh, no, no. If he knows we killed his brother, he's gonna murder us—"

  "Calm down," Donghyuck cuts Beomgyu off. "He's a chill person. You guys can literally be choking each other to death behind him and all he's gonna do is smile and give zero fuxks. He's probably, gonna say karma's a bitxh or something, oW!" 

  Renjun glares warningly at him. "Don't be rude. But, anyways, yeah, dinner at our house." 

  Soobin's round eyes widen, shookeTh. "At your house? You're actually trusting us to know the address?" 

  The end of lunch comes when the bell rings and they all stand to check on the kindergartners.

  "Mhm. Just-" Renjun nods and pauses. 

  Taehyun's breath gets stuck in his throat when a keen pocket knife flies past his cheek like a bolt, just a few inches away from stabbing his flesh. 

  Injun gives a half smile, tilts his head mockingly and the diamond piercing under his eye glints- making TXT's blood run cold as the colours drain from their face.
"-don't spill. Or next time, I won't miss." 

  DREAM walks away and Taehyun clutches his chest, feeling he just lost a few years while Yeonjun pulls out the small knife, intigued by his talent. 

  "Well, we they may be kind, now but, we still shouldn't forget how lethal they actually are, huh?" Beomgyu says and Huening nods while slapping Taehyun's face to wake him up. 

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