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  A few years later. 

  The merry song of the cartoon film playing on the TV fills up the spacious living room that's warm and cozy with Christmas just around the corner. 

  The mouthwatering scent of freshly baked cookies wafts around the DREAM hous- mansion.

  Unlike, how dark and lifeless it used to be, the interior is more welcoming now- giving an aesthetic sense of cottage core and minimalism. 

  Plants are put around in black or white modern pots, jolly red socks of different sizes hang on the stone fireplace in front of the huge, fluffy couches- a perfectly endearing family setting. 

  "HEY! cOmE bACK hEre, YoU lItTlE mISfIT!" Donghyuck's shout echoes before an excited shriek pierces through and a small child at the raw age of 2 comes dashing into the living room from the kitchen. "thAt's mY cOokIE!" 

  The kid shrieks again when she sees Donghyuck and she starts circling around the couch while Hyuck plays along. 

  The others join in, laughing at the scene but as soon as the baby sees a certain male, her eyes light up. "PAPA! PAPA! uNClE cHANnIE itH cHaThINg ME!" 

  Her lisp appears as she shouts and escapes into the hands of her 'papa.'

  He picks her up into his arms, smiling. "Yoonie-yah, what did I say about stealing cookies? You should take your own or not Santa will put you on the naughty list. You don't want that, do you?" 

  Yoonie pouts and shakes her head, quickly giving back the biscuit to Donghyuck with her little, fluffy hand. 

  Donghyuck gladly takes it. "Very good! Now, Santa will make sure to give you a gift!" 

  The baby gasps, nodding vigorously at the thought of presents before turning to the man holding her. "See! I gave the cookie back! I won't be on the naughty list, papa!"

  Jisung chuckles and pinches her cheek. "That's right." 

  "Sungie-yah, can you fix the Christmas lights outside? One of them fell off but I can't reach high enough," Saehyun walks in from checking the decorations outside and takes off her warm, knitted gloves. "I'll take her." 

  She smiles and grabs the little girl whose arms are already outstretched towards her, giving grabby hands. 

  Jisung nods and turns to Sae, noticing her flushed nose and cheeks from the cold. He looks around, making sure the rest are busy before pecking her button nose, unable to resist.

  Saehyun's eyes widen, getting more red than before and Jisung only chuckles before heading out. 

  Yoonie blinks and raises her arms high, announcing- "tHEy kItHy kIthY!" 

  The female holding her can only laugh, trying to calm down her racing heart. 

  Dinner time comes and as Eunae lays down the plates on the long dining table, the doorbell rings. 

  "Coming!" She shouts and is just about to walk away but is obstructed when Jaemin wraps his arms around her waist and presses her against his chest, radiating his warmth onto her. 

  She blinks fast, secretly flustered. "Hey, I need to get the door." 

  He shakes his head, cheek resting on her head. "nO~ I'm cold!"

  "Then turn up the heater, you dumbass!" 

  Jaemin pouts. "Why would I when I have you?" 

  "In case, you haven't noticed, I have the temperature of a frozen fish right now," Eunae sasses and Jaemin abruptly places a sweet kiss on her cheek. 

  Her blood rushes to her face in a blink and Jaemin who is now resting his head on her shoulder, feels the heat from her skin on his own cheek- a victorious smirk surfaces. "See? You're hot now. Not that you weren't before, though." 

  He groans in pain when Eunae pinches his cheeks aggressively. 

  "That's what you get for not helping me set the table." 

  "I was doing something..." Jaemin rubs his cheeks and looks at the frowning Eunae.

  A grin appears on his face, completely struck by the girl. "Still feisty as ever, huh? Don't worry, I like it rough, anyways." 

  She gulps, breath taken by his flirty wink before rushing out. 

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