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  Jisung side glances at Saehyun- inching closer, closer and more closer.


  "I WASN'Tㅡ"

  He quickly shuts up and gulps- blinking at Saehyun who's staring at him with surprise.

  "Are you okay...?" She asks him who legit jumped off to the South Pole.

  Jisung nods, flustered. "Y-yeah. W-what did you wanna say?"

  "I was gonna ask which one would look better- this one or this one?" She shows the outfit choices- being the last one to finish from indecisiveness.

  Jisung ponders. "Uh, this one. B-but, either way, they'll both look pretty when you wear them anyways."

  Ice- that's what Jisung becomes when he notices his statement.

  "Really? Thanks," Saehyun responds, always being the dense one among all.

  Well, she's not exactly dense but she's always overthinking and finalizes with, "Ah, he was just being nice. There's no way he would like me."

  "I'll get this, then," she says, choosing the one Jisung recommended and walking away but Jisung quickly stops her.

  "You told me that you like action games last time...do you want to join me?" Jisung queries and Sae looks at him with a sense of curiousity.


  She watches with amazement as Jisung shoots at the target boards with the practice gun, skillfully sending bullets through the 7-9 score areas.

  "You're sharp!" Saehyun compliments when Jisung lays down the pistol.

  A proud yet, bashful grin places on his face. "Thanks but, I'm a bit rusty at this. Chenle hyung is the best among us- his eyes are the sharpest. Have you played before?"

  Saehyun shrugs. "I guess, you can say that. But, I'm not really good at it. Among the three of us, Jinae's the ace. Her eyes aren't the sharpest but, she's really good with colours and making out shapes."

  He offers the pistol. "Try."

  She hesitates before picking it up and making a shot.

  A sharp 8.

  Jisung's eyes widened. "Woah! Are you sure you're not good at it?"

  She gives an awkward smile before making a few more quick shots and the score's random- sometimes it's as high as an 8.5 and sometimes it goes as low as a 4.

  "I need a whole lot of focus and time to make it accurate so when I make it fast, everything goes downhill. Thus, I'll die 5 seconds into a shooting battle."

  They both laugh at her statement and Jisung continues to observe as she shoots- seeing the mistakes in her pose.

  "Here, let me help," Jisung offers and stands.

  Saehyun is shocked when he starts to fix her posture- pushing her back and straightening her arms forward.

  His countenance is serious and gentle at the same time and when his palm touches the gun to lift it slightly, he snaps back.

  "I'm sorry!" He backs away like a bolt and his face turns red. "I-it's a habit I have whenever I become really focused."

  His embarrassed fidgets and wavering pupils cease suddenly when she breaks out into amused giggles.

  Jisung looks to see her aiming at a board with a smile still on her face and she shoots without much lag.

  An 8.5.

  She turns to him. "It's a nice habit, then. Look, it worked."

  Her smile widens- reaching her eyes and Jisung feels his heart race, oblivious that hers is too.

  Fluffiness roams around them and a scent of innocent love starts to lingerㅡ

  "That was a nice shot!" Renjun pops out of nowhere with Haechan behind them.

  The fluffiness is blown away.

  Jisung jolts, internally groaning. "Hyung, what are you doing here?"

  "We were just planning to practice a bit too," Renjun answers and suddenly feels a chill down his back.

  "What's wrong?" Hyuck asks.

  The older furrows. "I'm not sure but, for some reason, I feel like there's this community of dissatisfied angry mobs that wants to throw pitchforks at me for ruining 'moments.'"

  "What moments?" Saehyun responds.

  "What mobs?" Jisung follows.

  Donghyuck shakes his head. "It's probably just because I'm here with you. You know how much I wanna strangle you and catapult you out the window sometimes."

  Renjun looks at him. "Huh, I guess so."

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