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  Eunae jolts awake and the chill breeze from the air-conditioner makes her shiver- burying herself deeper into the fluffy duvet.

  She darts back up again, sitting on the unfamiliar bed and she scans the room- a wave of deja vu hits her. 

  "Hey, wake up! Hey!" She kicks her younger sister who's curled up into a ball and the lass stirs, starting to wake up. "We're kidnapped!" 

  Jinae stretches and bends her back, squealing in delight at the satisfying sensation. "Duh, yeah, we are." 

  "I- No! I'm not talking about DREAM! It's someone else!" 

  The younger leaps up, frantically look around before at her outfit- sighing in relief at the recognizable dress. "Who..whAt? First, the sprinklers went off, people rushed out and then..."

  Her memory blurs after, not knowing what happened next. She looks at her hands, clenching and unclenching- they're numb. "Drugged."

  A groan escapes the sleeping Saehyun before Jinae jabs her and her hand flies to smack th younger's cheek.

  The latter gapes, shooketh. "eXcuSe Me? wE'rE kIdnApPed so wAke yOur aRsE uP!" 

  "SHHH! Please, can I have a normal reaction for once??" Eunae sighs.

   Jinae blinks, nonchalant. "Thou shall embrace the weird."

  Eunae sighs again.

  A distant clank! alarms their senses and they quickly drop into sleeping stances. It failed once but, who knows, second time might be a charm?

  But, that too, is short lived. Although, it's not because of the girls' tactlessness.

  "They're supposed to be awake by now," a familiar voice sounds and Eunae furrows slightly.

  She knows that voice all too well but, whose is it?

  Unsettling sparks buzz in her veins when cold fingers cup her cheek and the same voice speaks.

  "You're finally back with me," he whispers and it sends a perturbing chill down her spine- shooting her lids open.

  The striking face upon her leaves her paralyzed- shocked and befuddled.

  "Shinhyuk," she mutters. The confusion and whirlwind of emotions visible in her eyes despite the heavy, scene-stealing muddled eye makeup.

  The male stares back into them, yet his is filled with passionate- almost vigorous and aggressive affection.

  "My little flower," he mutters back, grinning in gratification.



  "Calm down, hyung!" Jisung shouts, restraining Donghyuck back by his twitching arms that are just yearning to hurl another computer.

  "Calm down?" Hyuck scoffs sarcastically. "Don't start to be hypocritical now, Jisung, when you're the one punching the walls in your room at night."

  The younger gulps and lets his grip down to hide his bleeding knuckles behind his back. Though, it's not like his brothers don't know.

  "Well, at least, don't go catapulting all the expensive things," Jaemin says, scratching his pierced brow insouciantly.
"There's always Renjun."

  "Excuse meㅡ"

  "Donghyuck! Throwing things won't change anything!" Jeno scolds at the fuming lad. "Put Chenle down!"

  Hyuck grunts, dropping the innocent Lele who was just trying to pacify him.

  "I don't understand it! Why did they have to take them! We're not rival gangs or anything! We have never even talked and all and they're already kidnapping our members??" Hyuck stresses.
"We don't even know where they are andㅡ hOW are you sO FUXKING CALM?"

  Jaemin shrugs indifferently before cracking his neck from the tense muscles and moaning contentedly. "Well, for one, if they actually wanted to kill the girls, they would've done it since the start. Secondly-"

  He pauses, rolling his eyes- already infuriated by the thought but calms himself by crossing his tense arms, hands clenched. "-if they ever decide to touch a single hair on the girls' heads, I'll be more than glad to chop theirs off."

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