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  Bright colours messily tint the principal's car and the gang snickers, drawing more scribbles and insulting name calls.

  Chenle crouches on the hood, spraying down 'JACKASS' on the windshield before tossing the can away carelessly. It clanks against the floor.

  "Think fast!" Jeno alarms and throws a spray can to Saehyun- nodding at the car.

  She shakes her head quickly. "No, I'm fiㅡ"


  Donghyuck shatters a window with a bat.

  "Nice job, Hyuck!" Jaemin high-fives.

  Saehyun gulps- not wanting to be the next thing broken and colours the car.

  Finding more fun than she thought she would.

  "Hey, angel," Donghyuck calls and Jinae looks up- stumbling back when a heavy bat flies into her arms. "Beat it."

  Her focus casts onto her two sisters who are already getting along with the boys, vandalising not only the luxurious car but walls, pillars and basically everything.

  Hyuck crosses his arms at her reaction. "Too weak to even hurt a little caㅡ"


  He freezes when Jinae starts to bash the car into bits and pieces.

  Her brows narrow as she exerts her strength, destroying the expensive vehicle easily within a flash before stopping- panting and tired.

  One last swing is needed and the hood of the car pops off- catching Hyuck off-guard.

  Her arms fall to her side, stare fixed on Hyuck as the bat drags behind her- nonchalantly approaching him.

  His eyes observe her dishevelled hair, bangs lifted and a sheen of sweat covers her exposed forehead.

  With gaze staring dead in his eyes, she drops the bat.
"I am not weak."

  She steps backwards before swivelling and heading towards her sisters.

  Donghyuck stares at her furthering back- image of her fierce mien appearing in his head. Slit brow raises, entertained.

  Just as Eunae presses on the nozzle, hasty footsteps are heard.

  "YOU BRATS! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CAR?" The principal bursts and the security guard tails after him. "Catch them!"

  The gang and girls flee to their vehicles, climbing in like a bolt and the drivers smash on the pedals.

  Chenle turns on the beats and their playlist blasts through the speakers.

  "WHOO! That was amazing!" Donghyuck high-fives with Jeno and unintentionally with the girls as well.

  But none of them seem to notice over the quick adrenaline rising.

  Red and blue lights from behind and a police siren blares through the air- the nearby police station already notified of them.

  Jaemin who's driving beside Jeno, gives a nod at the older before zooming to the front.
"Guess we're going to our secret HQ today."

  They swiftly dodge the police, sharply turning at corners and taking the most unthinkable routes ever.

  "They're still behind us!" Saehyun panics, seeing the police on their tail.

  Jeno is already watching from the head mirror. "Not for long."

  He pulls on the handbrakes and turns the steering wheel, making an immaculate flat spin- hands tightly gripping on as he glares at the approaching car.

  The three sisters fearfully observe the police car that's nearing them, headlights starting to blind them.

  "Jeno..." Eunae reminds- already familiar with their names- seeing the police car zooming fast.

  The car quickens, about to crash against theirs.

  "Jeno, WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" Eunae shouts but Jeno smirks, shifting the gears and stepping on the pedal.

  His car boosts forward and he makes a slight tilt of the wheel.

  An ear-piercing screech erupts when the cars graze against each other. 

  "We did it! That was so cool!" Jinae exclaims, whipping her head at the police that's now far behind them.

  Chenle and Jeno glance at the three through the head mirror, seeing them cheering and high-fiving with broad smiles on their faces.

  Involuntarily, their lips upturn- feeling the joy from their supposed hostages.

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