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  "You called?" Jinae knocks on the expensive, varnished door of a homey yet, dark room.

  Donghyuck turns in his spinning chair. "I did. Come in."

  She sits on the soft couch in silence, the creaks coming from Hyuck's chair as he continuously twirls being the only source of sound.

  "You're not curious?" Hyuck interrogates.

  Jinae whips her head up. "I-uh, what?"

  He makes a sharp stop, facing the girl with his brown eyes penetrating into hers. "On why I called you."

  "I figured... you would tell me on your own. The rule said not to disturb you and you seemed to be having a lot of fun with your... round and round chair," she mumbles- nervousness killing her.

  Donghyuck bursts in laughter and his eyes close slightly- sparkles illuminating while blissful, innocent laughs escape his lips. "You're hilarious, do you know that?"

  She stays mute as she observes, fingers pinching on the ends of her hoodie- its oversized cutting making her look more miniature. 

  "Now, to the real fun part," Hyuck sighs out, rising from her chair and nearing the girl- hand outstretched while holding an object. 

  Her eyes widen as saucers at the black, charged pistol in his hand. 

  He nods it towards her. "Well, take it."

  "But, why?" She queries, quaking. 

  "Just take it!" 

  His yell makes her grab for it- gripping tightly but finger far away from the trigger.

  "Shoot it," Donghyuck orders, pointing at the practice mannequin at the corner of his room- dark and clear holes scattered on its torso. 

  Jinae's hands tremble- holding it already giving immense fear and now firing? She can't do it. 

  "I-I can't," Jinae whimpers and her arms fall to her sides before she quickly stands and furthering away from Hyuck when he viciously grabs the gun on his desk and shooting the mannequin mercilessly- eyes hollow and expression stone. 

  The blaring sounds of gunshots echo in the great room and rings in her ears painfully. She clasps them shut, tears pooling at every shot he fires until he abruptly turns to her- gun directed to her head. 

  "There's nothing hard about it. You press the trigger and poof! Your rival's gone. Try," Donghyuck urges again but she only trembles, shaking her head. "Try!" 

  She scampers backwards when Hyuck marches towards her and he drops his empty gun- now able to press his hands against her neck, hindering air from passing through her pipe. 

  She thrashes, trying to escape while short, insufficient breaths come in an out. 

  Donghyuck strangles harder. "Use the gun!"

  "N-no," Jinae yelps, feeling his grip tighten and she feebly raises the gun- energy depleted. Donghyuck sees it- expecting for her to pull the trigger but is taken aback when her leg kicks his abdomen. 

  He groans loudly, coughing and glaring at the girl who's targeting the weapon to his fallen figure. 

  She pants aggressively and figure trembles all over. But her next move surprises Donghyuck. 

  The gun's ammo is tossed far away before she drops the gun. Tears flowing from fright of Donghyuck but, her fear of sending a bullet through his flesh wins the fight. 

  He stares at the abandoned weapon, confused and utterly frustrated- unable to conclude a reason for her action of not just shooting him right then and there.

  A scowl appears. "Leave. GET OUT!" 

  Jinae scurries out the door, instantly shutting herself in her room. 

  The bad boy stands and ambles to the empty gun she left- grip tight and furious from stress.

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