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  The loud engine penetrates the silence as the gang members drive off one by one.

  Jinae tightly grips onto the seat, peering over his shoulder.

  Hyuck side glances, corner of his lips raising. "You might wanna wrap your arms around me. We don't have seatbelts here."

  She stares at his torso, grip loosening when he revs the engine- bike lurching forward and she squeaks, arms encasing his abdomen instantly.

  He smirks complacently, turning to the girl whose round, frightened yet anticipating eyes peek from under the large helmet that's constantly slipping off her head.

  A low chuckle rumbles through him, finding it adorable. "Hold on tight, kitten."

  And off he drives, following the rest.

  "Open your eyes. The night is pretty," Donghyuck shouts slightly, voice reaching her amongst the loud engine.

  She flutters her eyes open, anxious of the jumps every once in a while but it all goes away at the rainbow flashes around her.

  Festive lights are lit in celebration of the recent community event and they adorn the simple and warm neighborhood they live in.

  How the one-toned buildings glow in a diversity of colours make her gape and they reflect against her dark orbs.
  A bright, toothy smile instantly etches on her face and eyes twinkle brighter than the grandeur lights.

  Laughs and light shrieks of pure bliss waft through the air but they aren't the boys'.

   "Is it fun?" Jaemin asks.

  Eun nods vigorously, grin unfaltering.
  "Then, shout it out."

  "What?" She yells, leaning in closer to hear.

  "Shout that you're having fun! Let out all the bad vibes!" Jaemin repeats, leaning slightly and making the motorcycle tilt.

  She squeals, feeling adrenaline rush at the close proximity of them and the ground.

  "I've never rode a bike before because I was a wuss who'd jump off the roof to run from a spider!"  She starts off.

  Jaemin laughs heartily. "But now?" He raises his voice, urging her to continue.


  "YEAH!" Jaemin cheers, supporting proudly.

  Her arms tighten around him and she rests her chin on his shoulder, endulging in the comfort of the cold air that blows past her- hair floating like a pretty, dark sari.

  But, a clamorous sound shuts down all the joy as an ear-tearing shriek slices through the air.

  Renjun's bike grates against the jagged road with a sharp screech while the riders are sent flying and rolling far to the side.


  The rest burst their lungs as they halt and quickly rush to the two.

  Renjun groans and coughs, skinned and bleeding in various parts as he rises, resisting the pain- but still awake.

  His passenger however, is unconscious and is injured worse than him- both of them skinned but the side of her head is oozing a dark, crimson substance.

  The helmet being wrongly fastened and it flew right off.

  "She's bleeding!" Jinae gasps, horrified at the sight of her sister and both the ones awake start sobbing, tears falling like a rapid waterfall.

  Jisung quickly picks her up, taking initiative and frantically looking around.
"We need to get back home and contact Kun hyung! The hospital's too far from here and she needs to be taken care of now!"

  Chenle hastily calls while the rest of the brothers crowd around Renjun.

  "What happened?"

  Renjun pants, face scrunching in pain. "Our tire was shot. It's busted."

  "From where? Did you see?" Jaemin asks.

  Jeno raises his head to the tops of the buildings around them. "Must be from the roofs."

  "They're not shooting now, though." Hyuck eyes their surroundings.

  "Because, it means they don't want to... yet. Whoever they are, they're declaring war," Jeno states.

can't be a mafia ff without a little bit of gang gang business ;)

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