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  "All I'm saying is that isn't normal," Donghyuck states.

  Jinae narrows her brows. "What's not normal with making yourself some cereal?"

  "Oh, nothing. Except, when you put the MILK before the CEREAL first," Hyuck argues.

  "It's just the same in the end!" She exclaims, pouring in her milk.

  Donghyuck gasps hysterically. "I feel so betrayed."

  Jinae smiles cheekily before skipping out to the living room- joining her sisters.

  Renjun watches from the nearby grand white pillar, furrowing in thought.

  "What's with the frown?" Jaemin asks, leaning beside him.

  "It's weird that we haven't heard or seem any news about missing people. Don't you think so?"

  "You're referring to them, right?" Jaemin queries, looking at their hostages-turned-friends.

  Renjun nods.

  "They've got no one. Eunae told me. Lost their parents when they were younger, murdered and spent their school lives inside their own shells," Jaemin explains. "They only have each other."

  The older whips his head to him in surprise. "Really?"

  The other nods. "It makes so much more sense. No wonder, they're not that afraid of us. They have nothing to lose."

  Renjun stares down on the floor and a scoff of amusement leaves. "Huh. Strangely reminds me of us."

  Jaemin's gaze is fixed on Eun who's eating a granola bar while watching the TV- turning to him unexpectedly and their eyes meet.

  A flash of her lips appears in his head as her dark, curious eyes reciprocate his stare.

  He quickly turns away.

  "Hyung! Hyung, come quick!" Jisung's frantic shout from the medic room alarms the rest and they rush.

  "What is it?" Jeno asks, furrowing his brows.

  Jisung points to their two hostages who were supposed to be interrogated today- white foam spilling out their mouths and eyes rolled back.


  "Whaㅡ" Renjun lets out, shocked. "What happened?"

  Jisung shakes his head in panic. "I don't know! I just came to check if they were awake but then they were already like this!"

  Eunae observes the two corpses. "Self-destruct."

  All eyes focus on her and she looks at them.

  "They must've not trusted in keeping the information they knew to themselves so to make sure they're kept confidential, they resulted to suicide," Eunae speaks.

  Jeno combs his hair back in frustration. "Damn it. Now, we'll never know."

  "Not if they'll come again. They're part of a team. Since they didn't return, obviously their team would try other means. More ambushes or such," Renjun points out.

  Jaemin stares at the two dead ones, arms crossed. "They made an extreme move. Whatever they know must be important then."

  "What are they? From some top-notch gang? Or, FBI?" Chenle wonders jokingly but it's enough to perk up the three girls' ears.

  They look at each other obtrusively before shifting their gazes to Hyuck.

  "I don't think the next time they'll be coming with a small act like this. Our area is quiet, they can send in a big team and no one will know.
  We have to maximize our defense system. Make sure the same thing doesn't happen again," he says, eyes glancing at Jinae.
"We have to keep safe."

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