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  The others stare at the drunk Jinae who's sitting on the couch with her chopstick as a fishing rod.

  "Who in the world gave her beer? She's supposed to drink jUicE or miLk!" Jaemin scolds his team. "Even Jisung's drinking chocolate milk!"

  "I thought the beer was Sprite and mixed it with the juice," Chenle guiltily says. "She drank it before I could stop her."

  "I aM nOt bAbY! jIsUng aNd I aRe 19!!" She screeches and suddenly rolls to them like a hotdog. "Look! lOok, wAt AiIiiI cAnM dO!"

  She wiggles. "I'm a wRoM!"

  "Wrom?" Jisung repeats.

  Her wiggles intensify. "wROm!!"

  They laugh as she continues to 🐛🐛🐛

  "It's nice having a break from all that research," Renjun stretches, moaning in pleasure as his muscles pull.

  "By the way, if those two before became agents, why didn't you? You told us you trained simultaneously," Jeno asks, grilling the beef.

  Eunae scoffs, as if finding it funny. "Well, the three of us were actually supposed to debut first but, we couldn't hurt people- as in, make them bleed. And apparently, that's an important trait. So we got pushed back."

  "That's stupid," Hyuck bluntly says.

  "AIYAYAYAYAYAYYAAAAA!" Jinae suddenly pounces on him like a crazy squirrel and they slam onto the floor- her on top of him, fast asleep.

  "WhAt wAs ThAt??" Chenle shrieks, bursting, followed by the rest who's clutching their stomachs in pain from too much laughing.

  Hyuck grunts. "Wow, yup, thanks for asking. I'm okay. I'm completely fine."

  The rest ignore, only laughing even more and he ends up smiling as well while picking up the girl.

  He swings his room door and throws her on the bed, about to leave when she suddenly yanks him down by the collar.

  "thE pRinCE cHaRmInG shAll nOt lEAvE!" She complains. "sTay!"

  Hyuck stares at her dreamy state, her droopy lids flutter open and close. "Go to sleep."

  She whines, thrashing around under the blanket. "nOOooO!"

  Donghyuck flicks her forehead. "Just go to sleㅡ"

  "Give me a kiss kiss first," she cuts him off and puckers her lips.

  Hyuck gapes, shocked. "What?"

  "A kiss kIsS," she says, still with her duck lips. "I gOt mY Ms.KyLie JenNeR's lIpS riGht nOw."

  Hyuck stares at her rosy lips, as she shuts her eyes waiting and starts leaning down- quickly pulling back. "You're drunk."

  "But, I dOn't dRiNk!" She argues and Hyuck chuckles, stretching her furious, red cheeks.

  "In all honesty, kitten, I'd love to taste those lips but, I know you're not really the one asking for it right now."

  Jinae stops thrashing and stares at him. He gives a half-smile and ruffles her hair. "Sleep tight, kitten."

  He takes a step and gets yanked again by the girl.

  A pair of soft lips joins with his into a peck and for a moment, he's forgotten to breathe.

  Jinae smiles cheekily. "Then, keep this a secret from mS.JInAe."

  She yawns and passes out again.

  Donghyuck blinks, processing and his cheeks flush red.

  He tucks her in again before ambling away, smile etched on his face as his cheeks glow.

  The door shuts close and Jinae flutters an eye open. A shy, goofy grin on her face and she bites her lip to restrain it from broadening.

  She squeals, kicking the blankets before hugging them again, dwelling in his scent.

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