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  It was easier than expected when the girls turn out to be professionals at pickpocketing.

  Being unable to spill the blood of others' themselves, they handled with disarming and debilitating while the DREAM boys finish the job.

  "I didn't know they were this good," Jaehyun huffs in exhaustion, the body of a man under his foot.

  Donghyuck scoffs and flips his damp hair back, neck glistening with sweat from his vigorous fights.
"You've seen nothing, yet."

  Out of the blue, Chenle's shriek pierces through the chaotic battle noises. "Cars! Cars incoming! They got back-up!"

  The team looks out the window, spotting the nearing dark vans.

  "They just have to make things more harder, don't they?" Renjun grunts in irritation.

  After handling the first round of obstacles, they dash down the stairs to face the second.

  Jisung is barely awake- in a rough shape and is carried by both Jaehyun and Jeno.

  Eunae's sharp gaze scans the enemies. "They're all armed. We can't go out now unless we want to get shot like practice mannequins. We need a diversion."

  Saehyun looks around. "Does anyone have a bomb?"

  Chenle pulls out a tube from his pocket. "Does a smoke bomb work?"

  "You carry this around?" Renjun asks, shocked. "For what?"

  "I don't know. Maybe, I'd have to use it because I forgot my wallet at a restaurant after eating the whole menu," the younger answers and gets 'wtf' reactions from the rest.
"What? It's a normal problem."

  Sae shakes her head and looks at the weapon. "This needs to be shot to make it explode. Any volunteers?"

  "I'll do it," Jaehyun steps up. "I'm crowned the best sharp-shooter among the gangs."

  He checks his ammo and Chenle gives a skeptical look. "Rrrright. Then, Jinae, you can use my gun."

  Now, it's Jaehyun's turn to express skepticism as he eyes the petite girl.

  "Alright, after we throw the bomb, Jaemin, Donghyuck and Eunae will run out through the side gates and seize their vans. Meanwhile, we stay inside to protect Jisung and fight off the enemies while they're still in the smoke- steal the weapons too.
  "When the fog fades, it'll be easier to fend them off without their weapons," Renjun explains and the said three who are supposed to get the vehicles go into places.

  Saehyun turns to the other two. "Make sure you shoot it on air. We don't want it rolling over to their side before it pops."

  She takes off the little chip and catapults it out the window.

  Both Jaehyun and Jinae aim their guns at the bomb but Jaehyun clicks first and shoots right when it's close enough to the enemies.

  Shouts and orders of panic escape the opposing team while Jaehyun proudly grins at his members.

  "Show-off," Chenle scoffs before climbing over the window to attack.

  Jaehyun chuckles. "Says him when the door's open."

  The rest race out the door and initiates their plan. Confused noises and raucous gunshots erupt at the unpredicted attack.

  A honk blares through the chaos and DREAM turn to the vans.

  "GET IN! QUICK!" Donghyuck shouts from the driver's seat while Eunae helps the rest to the car.

  Jaemin drives through the side gates where Jisung and Saehyun are waiting and he helps to carry the tall, injured boy in.

  "Hold on, tight," he says before treading on the pedal, swerving to the road with Donghyuck behind him.

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