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  Jaemin leans against the door frame, observing Euhnae as she delicately glides from one spot to another, busy with her cooking- Saehyun and Jinae being absent considering they've done most of their parts already and are briefly changing their clothes.

  "Need a little help?" He offers and Eunae twirls in surprise.

  She shakes her head. "No, it's fine. I'm almost done, anyways."

  She closes the stove and pokes on the boiled noodles, checking before grabbing the heat resistant mitts- another hand suddenly pulling them away from her.

  Her words are cut off when Jaemin takes her place in front of the stove- gloved palms holding the handles of the hot metal pot.
"I'll do it."

  After pouring the noodles in the strainer, he starts mixing them with the sauce- attentive towards the meal and Eunae can't pull her gaze away.

  His slight furrow and strongly clenched jaw adding more charm to his perfect posture and smooth skills.

  "There," he breaks her thoughts and pulls his sleeves down, avoiding the sauce that spilled on his fingers.

  "Have you ever had other hostages before?"

  Jaemin turns at her unexpected question but nods, unfazed. "Of course, we have."

  Her lips gape slightly, wishing to utter but is hesitant and it's conspicuous to him.
"What happened to them?"

  He turns his whole figure towards her. "They crossed the boundaries so now, they're gone."

  A tinge of fear dots her heart as horrible scenarios fill her head- uncertainty and nervousness in her eyes swirling clearly when Jaemin steps forward, grabbing her attention.

  She lifts her head when he bends down slightly, connecting their foreheads together as a comforting pat- lasting for a few pleasant seconds.

  His lips upturn. "Good job with the cooking, tigress. You're not a bad one."

  Thump, thump, thump!

  Goes his and her heartbeats as their gazes tenderly melt into one another- moment of gentle sweetness becoming short-lived when a smirk appears on his mien.

  "I knew it. You couldn't handle my charm," he flirtatiously comments and Eunae deadpans.

  She grabs the noodles. "I should put this out before I vomit."

  "I was only joking!" Jaemin exclaims as she strides out. A sheepish smile remains on his face after she disappears from sight and he turns the tap- washing his hands.

  Unbeknownst to him, Eunae is standing frozen in the dining room, staring at the grand bowl of noodles she just laid as Jaemin's low, ear-tickling voice replays.

  She shakes her head. "No, no, nO. I must be high to be feeling like this."

  Rushing up the stairs, she sees her sisters just exiting their room and they knock on the brothers' doors, informing them of dinner.

  "I can't wait to taste how it turns out," Jeno says.

  "Inedible?" Renjun jokes and Jinae gasps historically.

  "That's mean!"

  Renjun raises a brow. "This is mean to you? Well then, you haven't seen nothing yet."

  Saehyun and Jinae gulps, quickly shutting their mouths.

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